
Do not deceive each other: this is a clear sign that your relationship will not last

Do not deceive each other: this is a clear sign that your relationship will not last

When you're in a healthy relationship, even a small thing can bring sunshine into your relationship. But what if it isn't? Is the absence of sunshine already a sign that your relationship is falling apart?

People who are in a healthy relationship, even when things are not as they should be, realize that things will work out sooner rather than later. And an expert in partner relations Rachel Sussman he says it's because they have hope. So the two people realize that each other can they offer safety and comfort.

Hope is, according to expert Sussman, the most important thing in every relationship, with the help of which you can also determine what your relationship (marriage) is like and whether it has a future.

As he says, couples whose relationship (marriage) is falling apart tend to feel hopeless about relationship and life together. He also confirms these feelings a 1992 survey, in which they found that disappointment in a relationship (marriage), accompanied by feelings of depression and despair, the main indicator that separation (divorce) will occur. The interviewed couples who felt hopeless also broke up (divorced) three years later.

The researchers write that couples who showed signs of despair said they were had unrealistic expectations about what the partnership relationship (marriage) actually is.

Couples had unrealistic expectations of marriage.
Couples had unrealistic expectations of marriage.

So what your relationship will be depends on you readiness, to invest in it. If one of the partners (spouses) is indifferent, instead of being excited about the relationship or the marriage, he is not moved by his partner's feelings. And often he doesn't even care if he will stay in the relationship (marriage).

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