
The 5 most common myths about milk

Milk is classified as one of the basic food groups in the human diet. It is usually encountered in the first year of life and most people enjoy it throughout their lives. The daily use of milk and milk products in Slovenia is also related to the fact that Slovenian farmers ensure 130% self-sufficiency, which means that there is enough milk in our country.

Of course, over generations of milk consumption, myths related to it have also developed. Below we reveal the 5 most common myths about milk.

Myth 1: The numbers on the bottom of the milk carton indicate how many times the milk has been boiled before filling.

Customers are often confused by the high number printed on the bottom of the milk package. They mistakenly believe that the number indicates how many times the milk has been boiled. Namely, the numbers on the bottom of the packaging they only indicate the production line of the packaging, in which the milk is packaged, that is, where in production the packaging was printed and are in no way related to the content of the packaging.

The numbers on the bottom of the cardboard packaging indicate the production line of the packaging.
The numbers on the bottom of the cardboard packaging indicate the production line of the packaging.

Myth 2: Right before the expiration date, dairies turn milk into milk powder.

It is true that milk powder is made from fresh milk, but dairies usually powder the milk they only serve in case of excess milk, i.e. when they have more of it than they can process and sell, because that is the only way to preserve it. Powdered milk is a product with a long shelf life, which is why it serves perfectly as one of the products in state reserves, and it is also used in children's nutrition.

Myth 3: Permanent milk has an artificially extended shelf life and is therefore unhealthy.

Permanent milk means that the manufacturer has used some different processing procedure. In the case of permanent milk, the temperatures during processing are higher, and steam is blown into it during sterilization, which extends the durability of the milk. This process does not affect the quality of the milk.

With permanent milk, the processing temperatures are higher.
With permanent milk, the processing temperatures are higher.

Myth 4: Before the expiration date, milk is returned to the dairies, recycled and resold.

First of all, we must be aware that this type of action is prohibited by law, and secondly, milk is such a sensitive and delicate raw material that it would certainly not survive the reprocessing process. Quality dairy products such as Alpine milk or Mu yogurts, can only be made from high-quality milk. Ljubljana dairies milk quality is checked daily on the entire dairy chain, which starts with the cow on the farm and ends with the consumer at home, whereby they follow all European Union quality standards, which are prescribed by the applicable legislation. This is also evidenced by numerous top awards for product quality.

Milk is a delicate and delicate raw material that would definitely not survive the reprocessing process.
Milk is a delicate and delicate raw material that would definitely not survive the reprocessing process.

Myth 5: Milk contains antibiotics, growth hormones and pesticides.

Milk is considered one of the of the most controlled foods. The possible content of antibiotics or growth hormones would thus be detected by the dairy immediately and the milk would be immediately excluded from the processing process. However, he believes that environmental pollution can be reflected in milk. For the time being, it is considered that the Slovenian countryside has relatively low pollution and that cows on Slovenian farms have a quality life. Precisely because of this and because of the short journey of milk from Slovenian farms to the consumer, we do not need to worry about the content of pesticides in milk.

My selection. My contribution to the stability of the Slovenian dairy chain.
My selection. My contribution to the stability of the Slovenian dairy chain.

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