
5 obvious signs that you are not physically active enough

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Staying in the office overtime, planning a Netflix marathon, too lazy to go shopping, ordering food delivery, working from home... The modern lifestyle and the pandemic have led us even more to a sedentary lifestyle and it's no wonder , that our body panicked and started sending signals that it's time to do something for ourselves. These are clear signs that you need to change something!

1. Swollen and painful eyes

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the triggers fluid retention in the body. Swollen eyes appear when the body is in a horizontal position for a long time. The best protection is prevention, that's why consume less salt, as it retains water in the body, and should be avoided alcohol. Give it up smoking and take care of regular exercise, which accelerates blood circulation, which prevents fluid stagnation in the body. It is also important to sleep well.


2. You have a lazy gut

If you spend most of your time in a sitting position, it takes longer for food to pass through the colon, which causes constipation and various other intestinal problems. Regular physical activity can improve the efficiency of the digestive tract. So take your time and do it several times a day stretch, as this can prevent constipation.

3. You are forgetful

If you think that (too) often you forget, what you wanted to say, it could be a sign that you should move more. One study found that people who sit most of the time have structural changes in the medial temporal lobe of the brain, which is responsible for the ability to remember things. Physical activity has been shown to improve memory, so it makes sense that the fitter your body becomes, the more your brain structures develop.


4. Your knees hurt

In the case of knee pain, it is always necessary to find the cause first. This can also be found due to not enough strength in the knees, poor movement control. Any exercise can relieve symptoms arthritis and osteoarthritis. Above all, low-intensity aerobic exercise is important, which strengthens muscles and makes joints more flexible. If you don't have any serious health problems with your knees, just keep them moving.

5. You crave sweets

Physical activity completely neutralizes sweet cravings. It raises the energy level and stimulates the secretion of endorphins, which ensure a good mood. The hormones of happiness, however, significantly reduce the desire for sweets. Getting enough exercise during the day protects you from depression. When there is no depression and bad mood, there is not so much need for sweets.


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