
5 signs that he will cheat on you again

Photo: envato

Some men are serial cheaters, others cheat because they don't know how to deal with their problems healthily, and some cheat to flatter their egos. There are many warning signs that can tell you if he is going back to his past behavior and cheating on you again.

Infidelity in a relationship not only hurts the person who was betrayed, but also destroys trust. Cheating leaves a scar and changes a relationship.

Giving your partner a second chance means that you believe that this trust can be rebuilt and that what you have is worth fighting for.

Forgiveness shows that you are counting on your partner to change and show their commitment to your relationship.

If you're worried he's going back to his old ways, you might be picking up on one of five signs he's cheating again.

Photo: envato

1. He has no sympathy for you

If he doesn't empathize with your feelings and understand the magnitude of what you've been through, he's the type of man who lacks empathy. Without empathy, he will probably cheat on you again because he really doesn't care about other people's feelings. He only cares about himself and will probably cheat on you again as soon as he gets the chance.

If he has compassion for your feelings, he will show you that he cares about you and how you feel. Your pain is real to him and he wants to do everything in his power to earn your trust.

2. He didn't offer you a sincere apology

If he isn't genuinely sorry for what he did, you can't move into a healthy relationship. If he sincerely repents and feels guilty for his actions, he will admit what he did, sincerely apologize to you.

He will sincerely apologize and will not shift the blame to the person who was wronged. You weren't the one who made him cheat - it was all about the choices he made.

If he truly regrets what he did to you, he will truly apologize to you: he will admit what he did, take responsibility for his actions, and show remorse.

If he's not sorry for what he did to you, but because you found out, he'll probably cheat on you again.

3. He doesn't dwell on the problems in your relationship

People cheat because they are unhappy with themselves, because they are unhappy with their relationship, or because they don't care about others.

After cheating, it is crucial to deal with the relationship problems that culminated in infidelity. If he doesn't show the willingness and effort to deal with what led to his cheating, chances are it will happen again.

Have you discussed his infidelity? Lack of communication makes a healthy relationship impossible, and trying to sweep what happened under the rug will only make things worse and destroy your relationship, even if he doesn't cheat again. It needs to be talked about so you can deal with it.

If he tries to pretend the infidelity never happened, chances are high that he will cheat again. His unwillingness to work on the relationship suggests that he either values his ego too much to admit his wrongdoing, or simply doesn't care enough about what they have.

Photo: envato

4. He has no problem lying

If he lies without hesitation and it's hard to tell when he's lying, you'll never be able to trust his words. You will find it hard to believe that he is sorry, that he changed, that he won't do it again - you will even doubt when he says, "I love you."

How can you believe that he wants to work on your relationship and rebuild your trust if he lies so casually that even you, who know him so well, can't tell if he's lying?

One way to tell when you're not sure he's lying to you is to think about when he's lied to you in the past and you found out the truth. Then look for a pattern in his words and actions.

5. He has a casual attitude about cheating

Some people don't think cheating is a big deal because they lack empathy. If cheating is something he doesn't really have a problem with, he won't hesitate if given the chance to cheat.

The best way to tell if he is a serial cheater is to look at his past relationships. Are you the first person he cheated on or has this happened before? If he has also cheated in other relationships, you can conclude that he does not take cheating seriously.

Such a man will take advantage of any opportunity to deceive, if it presents itself to him. Whether it's an affair or a one-night stand, there's a good chance he cheated. If you break up with him, he will probably cheat on his next partner as well.

Photo: envato

Why are some men like this?

One of the reasons is that they don't see sex as something serious. As long as it is available to them, they see no reason not to take advantage of it. Because their attitude towards sex is so casual, they can't understand why cheating would hurt you so much. But they are very well aware of what they are doing.

Low self-esteem is one of the common reasons men cheat. He doesn't feel good about himself, so he looks for external validation, and being wanted gives him what he needs. Sex outside of marriage satisfies his need for power in a relationship.

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