
How to rejuvenate your skin and reduce wrinkles by tapping your face in the morning

Photo: envato

Keep your facial skin looking youthful by tapping as it stimulates collagen production.

Face tapping is one type vibration massages and can be used in both therapeutic and prophylactic massage. Its specialty is that we create a vibration effect on the deep muscles of the face.

Mimic muscles of the face, unlike the skeletal muscles of the body, are not attached to the bones at both ends, but to the skin. The vibration relaxes the muscles, which helps to younger looking skin.

It also affects the deep nerve endings, blood and lymph vessels. By stimulating blood circulation and facial lymph drainage, you can get rid of it swelling on the face and improve the tone and color of the facial skin.

Photo: envato

You can do a tapping face massage in the morning, right in bed. In general, vibration techniques do not involve any strict lines, but follow the lines of the face.

How to properly massage the face with tapping?

Start gently and quickly tap your face with your fingertips. It is important to follow the lines of the face:

1. from the middle of the forehead to the eyebrows,
2. from the center of the nose to the ear,
3. from the center of the chin along the line of the lower jaw to the ear lobes,
4. work around the eyes only with your fingertips, making very light and quick movements. Here you move from the outer corner of the eyes to the inner, from the inner to the outer. Tap the eyebrow area along the brow line.
5. neck area from bottom to top,
6. on the sides of the neck from top to bottom.

You repeat the exercise until you feel warmth on your face. It is important that you are comfortable and satisfied. Tapping should be gentle and light. If you have certain skin health problems, consult a dermatologist before using this technique.

Photo: envato

What are the benefits of facial tapping massage?

It helps in waking up, because the blood circulation on the face is accelerated, and the facial muscles are quite strongly connected to the brain. This way your brain knows you are awake - you feel much better.

It reduces the risk of headaches during the day.

Relax the area around the eyes.

Reduces puffiness on the face, especially under the eyes and in the cheek area.

The muscles become tense, which tightens the cheeks and shapes the face.

Mood improves, stress level decreases.

Photo: envato

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