
5 steps to raising a daughter with positive body image

Photo: envato

Children's self-esteem is an important factor in navigating through life, so equip your little ones with the right encouragement.

Self-esteem is not something to be taken for granted. Unrealistic beauty standards and the relentless media portrayal of perfection can weaken the self-esteem of adult women, and girls are even more sensitive to it.

It is alarming that girls as young as nine are reporting o dissatisfaction with your body. As parents, we are faced with a difficult task. Fortunately, there are several ways you can support them and help them develop a healthier relationship with their bodies.

Photo: Unisplash/Brooke Cagle

1. Be a positive role model

Children learn by example, and your behavior plays a key role in shaping your children's self-image. Show self-love and self-acceptance in your life. Avoid negative comments about your body or self-criticism. By showing them that you love your body, you are sending them strong signals and an example.

2. Encourage positive words

Let your child know that it's more than good for them to express positive feelings about their body. Encourage them to acknowledge and celebrate their strengths, talents and the aspects of their bodies that they love. Teach them to replace self-criticism with self-affirmation, focusing on what makes them unique and beautiful.

Photo: Unisplash/Mathilde Langevin

3. Avoid negative labels

On the other hand, do not allow the child to talk negatively about himself. Make sure he understands that self-deprecating comments won't make him more likable or accepted. Be careful to address negative self-talk when you hear it and gently guide it toward more positive and constructive ways of thinking about yourself.

4. Avoid comparison

Encourage your child not to compare themselves to others, whether it's peers, celebrities or social media influencers. Emphasize that everyone is unique and that comparison can lead to feelings of inadequacy. Discuss the pitfalls of photo editing and filters that create unrealistic beauty standards in the media. Help them understand that her worth does not depend on others.

Photo: Unisplash/Elisa Photography

5. Positive affirmations

Provide your child and family with positive affirmations. These can serve as a daily reminder of self-worth and self-acceptance. Encourage them to choose or create statements that resonate with their personality. By consistently practicing positive affirmations, you can transform their self-image and boost their self-esteem.

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