
5 steps to heal a broken heart

Photo: Envato

Heartache is something that almost all of us experience at least once in our lives – it's a common theme in movies, poetry and art, and it constantly finds its way into our everyday conversations. We offer you 5 tips on how to heal a broken heart and how to leave a broken relationship with your head held high.

When you're ready to fall in love again, stay away to the same partner, with which you have been dissatisfied in the past. Be honest with yourself about what you want from a relationship. These 5 steps will help you heal your broken heart as soon as possible.

1. Cut off contact

Recovery after a breakup starts with perfect by cutting off all contact with an ex-lover, even with friends. Nowadays, such avoidance is a bit more difficult, as there are social networks where friends and exes share various information. But be strong, block, unfollow, and temporarily isolate yourself from social media completely. To recover from a broken heart, it is necessary to completely avoid all contact with the ex-partner.


2. Get in touch with your emotions

A breakup often feels like unimaginable pain because it really does. Too often, people with a broken heart move on with life too quickly without giving themselves enough time to recover. Allow yourself bgo sad and in touch with your emotions, cry and admit your pain.

3. Reflection

The third step refers to mastery and learning, that is, to thinking about yourself the impact of the relationship on you and its termination. This step involves asking yourself why it happened, what you learned from it, and how it affects the future of your relationship. You cannot change the past, but you can change the future and your own experience.

4. Fall in love with yourself

You have to to love, because otherwise you will have a similar situation again in a love relationship. If you don't change yourself, you will have a similar experience in the future because you will always be attracted to the same type of people.


5. Find a better one

When you're ready to fall in love again, do avoid the same partner, with which you have been dissatisfied in the past. Be honest with yourself and what you want from the relationship from the beginning. There are many early warning signs that someone may be emotionally unavailable. Many people get stuck with emotionally unavailable partners and fail to see these signs, even though they are easy to spot.

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