
5 steps to do if you notice your partner secretly talking to your ex

Photo: envato

Finding out that our partner is hiding something from us is never easy. Especially when it comes to talking to your ex, it's completely normal to be met with feelings of betrayal, anger, and sadness. What to do at this moment - let the emotions come to the fore, break off the relationship or talk? We have prepared 5 steps for you, what to do if you notice that your partner is secretly talking to your ex.

1. Start the conversation in a calm way

Absolutely normal is that you are upon such a discovery hurt and upset. However, you should be aware that you quarrel it won't lead anywhere - the relationship will still be there worsened. Therefore, we suggest that first take it easy, you gasp and think about it, what did you actually find.
Concealment in no case is the behavior that would fit in a healthy relationship, so you must meet your partner in any case to talk. But there is a big difference between friendly and romantic ones communicated, so it's good, yes rate it, what kind of communication it was.
Then a conversation get started: explain to your partner how you feel and Mrs ask, why the contact occurred.

Calm down, take a breath and think Photo: Vlada Karpovich / Pexels

2. Watch his reaction

This, or you must for your relationship worry, you will best understand from your partner's reactions. Pay attention to whether it immediately sets in defensive position or stay calm and give you a try to explain, what kind of situation it was actually about.
Alone with my partner determine, what kind of communication with exes for your relationship not applicable. Therefore, it is up to you to consider the interpretation decide, what will be your next step.

3. Do not stick to this topic constantly

If you and your partner discussed and exchanged theirs views on the situation, then there is no need to make a topic started again. We do not advise you not to mention it never again or yes in front of your partner you hide your feelings, but you won't achieve anything if your partner you constantly remind, how he acted. In this way, you can cause even more quarrels and resentment.

Starting a topic can make your relationship worse Photo: Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels

4. Be clear in your communication

Sometimes there are situations where we can't deal with ex-partners completely avoid– it is so, if we are, for example, in similar work environment. There is nothing wrong with preserving politeness, but it is something else if communication let's continue or expand to friendly territory. That's why it's important to give to your partner to know clearly, how do you feel if he stays in touch with his ex and make sure they are borders in your relationship clear.
It also makes a big difference whether the partner is in terms of occasional communication open or conversations in front of you hides. Nothing else for a healthy relationship she is not a good traveler.

5. Take your time

Impulsive actions, which you could later regretted, we do not recommend you in any way. You don't have to decide how to act the same day: instead at yourself think about it, partner listen and observe, how he will act after the conversation.
The best picture of whether he is a partner sincere and does yours have a relationship future, you will get after a certain time. Then you will be able to assessed, whether the partner's behavior has changed changed or still conceals certain parts of your life. That's the only way you will be knew, whether it is a person with whom you see yourself for a long time.

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