
5 surprising physical traits that indicate a person will cheat

Does your partner have them too?

Our body is a human library full of mysterious stories. Researchers have identified five physical characteristics that have been shown to predict cheating in relationships. Let's see what they are.

1. Don't date men with long rings

If you want to know if a man will remain faithful to you, check the size of his ring finger, as the length of this finger is said to reflect loyalty in relationships. Researchers Oxford University found that men with a long ring finger cheat more often, as a longer ring finger is said to be more exposed to testosterone in the womb. Indeed, previous research has shown that higher testosterone levels can go hand in hand with greater sexual promiscuity in an adult.

Generally, it's not just long fingers, but the length of his ring finger compared to the length of his index finger. This difference in finger length means he is more prone to cheating.

2. Don't trust women with this hair color

Internal study, conducted by CheaterVille.com, found that women with light hair are more likely to cheat than women with any other color. Brown hair color is also associated with cheating.

The research came to the conclusion that:

  • 42 % women who cheated had blonde hair;
  • 40 % men who cheated had brown hair;
  • 43 % victims (male and female) had brown hair.

While the CheaterVilla study may be questionable, here is other research that supports the power of hair color. Article in Scandinavian Journal of Psychology suggests that men view blondes as more approachable. Blondes also earn more on average than women with any other hair color. Hair color is so entrenched in some cultures that there is even a popular saying that it "... blondes are more fun".

But it is important to realize that not all blondes cheat, nor are all brunettes victims of cheating.

Blondes are said to cheat more often.

3. Beware of men with large testicles

A study from the University of Oslo in Norway shows that men with larger testicles are more likely to be unfaithful. This is certainly true in the animal world, especially in primates.

Research has also shifted to the size of the male limb. V studies, published in the journal PLOS One, larger limb size predicted partner infidelity, i.e. women. The authors of the study wrote that for every inch of penis length, women were almost half as likely to be unfaithful. Large male genitals were associated with pain and discomfort during intercourse.

4. Unattractive women are more likely to cheat

A study She showed Jim McNulty that less attractive women are more likely to cheat. However, it is not clear how they defined attractiveness. But according to the study, a more attractive woman is also a more faithful woman.

Divorced study studied the relationship between female breast size, attractiveness, and infidelity. In the study, men rated women with average and slightly above-average breast sizes as more attractive. Women with small or large breasts were generally considered less desirable for long-term relationships. Men would otherwise prefer a one-night stand with women with larger breasts, and they also believe that these women are more likely to cheat.

5. Men with expressive facial features are more likely to cheat on you

V studies experts have found that men with expressive facial features are unfaithful. The men also agreed with this and said that they had indeed cheated several times, especially with women who had already married. Such a man's face is otherwise defined by a strong jaw, a stronger area around the eyebrows and thinner lips.

Traditionally masculine qualities have also been transferred to voices. Research study showed that men with deeper voices were more associated with cheating. Deeper voices, like longer ring fingers, usually indicate elevated testosterone levels.

Remember - physical characteristics only predict the likelihood of infidelity. Be careful not to jump to conclusions. This is about the statistical probability of cheating, not actual cheating. Despite all the science, anyone can cheat and anyone can be faithful. Both cheating and loyalty have to be decided!

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