
This is the wall color that best matches your astrological sign

Paint your home with the help of astrology.

The color with which you will paint the room in which you spend the most time determines the tone of the room, its purpose and the mood that will overwhelm you when you enter it. In addition to reflecting who you really are, colors also reflect what calms you down.

Don't leave anything to chance, but read the note below to find out which wall color would suit you best according to your astrological sign.

Aries - fiery red

Being a fire sign, Aries is naturally drawn to red tones such as cherry red, brick or merlot tones. If you are someone who does not like strong colors on the walls because you feel that they narrow your space, think of some red detail in the corner that will light a fire in you.

Taurus - soothing blue and green

Tauruses, no matter how down to earth they are, are very creative and need something to inspire them. So it should come as no surprise that calming blues and greens are exactly the colors they need. Because they are used to comfort, they are an excellent combination with soft pieces of furniture.

Twins - green that grounds them

The flexible and open spirit of this astrological sign allows for experimentation, but also impulsiveness. This is exactly why they need a color like soft green to ground them and improve their concentration.

Cancer - white

When we think of colors, white is often overlooked, it seems almost taken for granted. Let's forget the quiet power he carries inside. Since Cancers are intuitive, loyal and caring, this color can provide them with the stability they need from other people. White or cream neutral tones will give them a refreshing sense of calm.

Leo - Yellow, which raises

What else can perfect a lion and put him under the spotlight, which he loves so much, than the color yellow? Leos are brave, spontaneous and righteous, but life often disappoints them. When this happens to them, they should be surrounded by a color that comforts, uplifts and evokes a sense of happiness. If you're the type of person who is bothered by sunny yellow, try calmer tones like wheat yellow, mustard yellow or ochre.

Virgo - reliable blue

Virgos are inherently peaceful until chaos disrupts them, completely throwing them off the balance they constantly strive for. In these moments, they should be surrounded by color that does not disturb their mind or eyes. They need a color that is friendly and calm. Tones such as indigo or navy will calm a Virgo who tends to overthink.

Libra - balanced pink

Since Libra sees the world through rose-colored glasses, she is attracted to optimistic colors. This color seems energetic and liberating, but be sure to always combine and moderate it with white so that it does not dominate the room and you.

Scorpio - sophisticated black

Black is not only the face of power and aggression, but also sophistication and elegance. If you use it with taste and boldness, the color black is not scary at all. Black details in larger rooms or even an entire wall in smaller rooms like the kitchen can evoke the courage and passion that Scorpios carry within.

Sagittarius – bold brown

Stability, warmth and courage are characteristics that characterize both Sagittarius and brown. Therefore, they are a winning combination. It is often overlooked and characterized as strong and simple, but when found in tones such as walnut, caramel, camel, brown can be modern and classic at the same time.

Capricorn - warm brown and orange

Capricorns are very pragmatic and find it difficult to break out of the framework in which they were born. Because they don't adapt easily, they need a familiar color, but warm enough to melt the ice and negativity they often surround themselves with. The right choice for them is gentle peach tones or the earthy poppy color. These will trigger their innate ambition and self-confidence when they need it.

Aquarius - a mix of fruity summer colors

This rebellious sign always wants something higher, stronger, more colorful and sublime. Their restless spirit needs different colors that are compatible with each other and create a harmony that will calm them down a bit. Combinations of blue and yellow or pink with green and brown will satisfy their creative spirit.

Pisces - the color of Spanish elder and gray

Gray can sometimes be as strong as red, so don't be afraid if it's making you uneasy. For a romantic and gentle soul, such as Pisces, the combination of gray tones with soft pink, white or lilac is an ideal combination that gives their home a sense of calmness and radiance.

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