
5 things you must experience if you are in a relationship at the beginning

There are many ideas about the perfect relationship in the world. Some are "too heavy", others too light, and none are truly universal. But while we have different ideas about the "perfect" relationship, there are a few things that every couple in love should experience in the first few months of their relationship. Here are 5 things we think every couple should experience in their first year of dating…

For everyone who likes to analyze their relationships with other people and especially like to focus on their love relationship, here are 5 things that we think every couple should experience in the first year of their relationship...

1. Cook dinner together

Cooking dinner is a great way to discover (mis)matches between the two of you. If you can give and receive instructions and not be adept at it, that's definitely a good sign. In the kitchen, you will quickly find out if your loved one is prone to dictatorship...

2. Go on a short or long trip

It can be a one-day or multi-day trip. Treat yourself to it at least once every three months and use the time on the way to get to know each other. On a trip, we really get to know the person we are in a relationship with...

You will really get to know each other on the trip.
You will really get to know each other on the trip.

3. Get into a serious fight at least once

Even if you hate arguing, you shouldn't be afraid of arguments in your relationship. Conflict can also be healthy if both parties involved want to clear it up and don't fight just because they like to feel superior.

4. Meet her/his parents

Although this is reluctant to happen in the first few months of the relationship, it is good to get to know her/his parents and vice versa within a year. Family can reveal a lot about your love…

READ MORE: 10 Sexy Things Every Couple Should Try

5. To be quiet

Don't get us wrong, we love long candlelit conversations and philosophizing late into the night. But just as conversation is important in a relationship, so is silence. The comfortable one, not unpleasant and sad, but just the opposite: soothing and comfortable.

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