
5 useful tips on how to open your heart to love again

Love yourself first, this will attract love into your life.

You can't just wave a magic wand and the love of your life will appear on your doorstep.

But you can constantly strive to get the necessary tools to find it.

1. Allow yourself to be vulnerable

Being vulnerable can help you form deeper bonds with your current or future partners. Show it to them. This is the only real way to get a person's attention. Show her that you are imperfectly perfect in your vulnerability. Why? Because that's the only way they can get to know your true self.

Everyone, not just you, goes through different emotional states in life. You can't close yourself off from everyone and wonder why you feel lonely. Show them that you are willing to open up to them. Vulnerability and openness are attractive. There is no putting up walls.

2. Learn to be happy on your own before looking for a partner to complete you

If you are not happy with yourself, you will not be happy with anyone else. Love comes from within. You have to love yourself, all your flaws. Learn to find happiness in being single.

While you are open to new opportunities, you find yourself in the process of loving and loving yourself. What makes you smile from ear to ear? What do you like to do when you don't have to consider your partner's needs?

Do all the things you wouldn't normally do and make sure that being single isn't the end of the world. When you find your happy place - yourself, you are ready to find your partner who will be that "perfect" addition to your love.

3. Change your beliefs about what love should be

Let go of all your idealized notions of what love should be and learn what it really is. Love is compromise, sacrifice, mood and being there for your partner when life pushes them from 100 to 20%.

Love will never be roses and butterflies 24/7, and as long as you keep expecting it, you will always be completely disappointed.

There will be happy days, sad days, confusing moments, and those when you want to strangle them (not really). This is love in all its unpleasant glory; good, bad and unpleasant, a little of each.

4. Don't let others tell you how you feel/what you are

It is foolish to let someone from your past influence you. Leave them alone. They are no longer a part of your life. They are no longer with you for a reason.

The only thing that matters is how you see yourself, as well as those who know you best. Everyone else has no say.

They don't know you well enough for their opinion to matter. Surround yourself with a small circle of people who lift you up and watch your life "magically" change for the better.

5 Don't model your love life after others

Stop looking at social media posts and thinking things are as flawless and perfect as they seem. It is never as it seems. Love is more than a smiling photo online.

Love is everything the post doesn't say. Don't let the "neighbor's grass is greener" syndrome destroy your love. People will never post their problems. Remember this. All couples go through similar things as you. The only difference is that they know how to keep it to themselves.

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