
6 actions that say: "I love you!"

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Love is also expressed through other words, not just "I love you". Words mean actions. Actions are what show how real your love is. Words that speak with actions: I respect you. I'm here for you. I like you. You are my home.

It is true that the words of love must be mutually exchanged in partner relationships, but you do not always need to say the words - I love you. Let these words also be expressed in words that will be read from your actions.

So, there are other words and signs of love that will clearly show your loved one that you love them.

We have collected some of them and written them down.

I'm here for you

An important part of a relationship is a support system. To have someone on your side when things get challenging and uncomfortable. These simple words sound like an expression of something that is self-evident, but it is not. Love is not self-evident.
Remind your partner that you're there for them no matter what, because they'll feel better when they feel like the whole world has turned against them. Be there for him, even if you can't help him, your closeness will mean a lot to him.

I am always and will be by your side if you need me. Photo: Katerina Holmes / Pexels

Let me know when you arrive

There is a big difference between control and care. If you want to know where your partner is, who they are with, and what they are doing at all times, that is control.
But if you ask him to text you when he finishes his journey and arrives at his destination, it means that you want to make sure that he got there safely and safely. It's nice to know someone cares about you. Isn't it?

I like you

You can like people who are no longer with you. You each went your own way, in different directions, and you are no longer on the same wavelength. You loved them even though you didn't like their personality and lifestyle and had a thousand objections to their decisions. But it wasn't real love.
Love is telling a loved one that you like them, telling them that you would choose them over and over again, and that you love them regardless of their weaknesses and flaws because you approve and accept everything about them.

Photo: Katerina Holmes / Pexels

You are my journey and my peace

This may sound too sweet, but don't be afraid of sweet statements if they are true. When you feel that you and your partner are traveling in the same direction, with similar thoughts, expectations - you can do everything together.
You can travel in an unknown direction or in the intimacy of domestic peace, plan the future or laugh at the neighbor's cat, whatever you want. This is your time. The time they spend together - all add up to a short sentimental declaration that he is your journey and your peace.

I want to understand you

People crave understanding, because when you understand their motives, fears, longings and expectations, you can accept and love them for who they are. Tell and show your partner that you are always trying to understand them.
When talking about something worrying or stressful, listen and ask questions to better understand. Because if you know how he feels, what he thinks, what bothers him, what makes him happy, fulfilling and relaxing - you can truly understand him. And you want to understand him because you love him.

We're a team

It's an affirmation of who you are and a reminder that neither of you have to go through the hard stuff—alone. You are there for him, ready for adventures and challenges, as well as the mundane and ordinary things of life. You want to understand him - together they are a team. They are stronger together.

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