
Someone who cares is thinking about you: 6 physical signs you should never miss

Photo: Allef Vinicius/Unsplash

Have you ever been in a situation where you didn't understand how you could feel that someone was thinking about you? That you feel like their thoughts are flowing to you? Were you just speechless because you sensed something was about to happen? Or have you ever felt like you could read someone's mind? Has this ever happened to you?

Humans share a kind of telepathic connection. There is definitely a greater connection that is intangible and invisible. One that you can only feel.

Life and relationships are not just about physical appearance and interaction, there has to be something deeper. There must be some kind of spiritual energy and force that makes you feel and unknowingly know the thoughts and actions of another person. What is it?

This is your subconscious. You unconsciously pick up other people's vibrations and feelings. Sometimes you feel like you need to do something, but you can't explain why. You just know you have to. The feeling sits in your mind and bothers you. And you know you have to do it, whatever your gut tells you or whatever.

It's probably happened to you that you thought you were sick - you imagined yourself having a fever and lying in bed - and then you really got sick. You have accepted the fact that you are getting sick, and you are. Our subconscious is so powerful.

It's the same with signs that someone is thinking about you. You just know. Feel their thoughts - of course, only if you want to feel and recognize them. If you're in denial, you won't see or feel the signs because your subconscious will still be locked inside you.

These thoughts and vibrations manifest physically. Let's look at some of them.

1. The subconscious smile

Your body reacts the way your mind tells it; many are not even aware of it. You have almost certainly been in a situation where you were praised for something you did, and at that moment you would have jumped in the air for joy. But maybe the situation was not suitable for them to show their happiness to the world. Although you had to remain serious, a small smile crept onto your face. You tried to hold him back, but you couldn't. It is a reaction that cannot be stopped.

It is the physical manifestation of the signals your brain is receiving. It's the same with someone who loves you and thinks about you constantly. You will see when you meet this person a smile worth a thousand words. She'll smile at you like you've been friends for ages, even though she only met you yesterday. You will be her biggest reason for smiling, for her happiness or blushing.

When you look at her, you just know there's more than kindness and politeness going on. Feel that she likes you. Your subconscious is telling you that it is thinking about you. Your looks, your face and the fact that she sees you is the reason for her smile that she just can't hold back.

2. Sudden change in emotional state

This has almost certainly happened to you before, except you probably didn't understand why it happened. You were in a kind of euphoric state – high spirits, joking and laughing. You took everything that happened at that moment as positive.

And then suddenly it happened a huge change in your emotional state. You became depressed, as if something or someone had completely drained you. You didn't want to laugh anymore. The only thing you wanted was to withdraw, to withdraw into yourself. You felt negative and sad or depressed.

It's likely that someone was thinking of you at that very moment. Your subconscious was trying to tell you something, but in a different way because it doesn't know any other way. Your spirit felt it. That person's energy interfered with yours, causing you to change in a split second. Her energy confused your energy field and this caused you to change state.

3. Your subconscious brings you closer

Have you ever wondered why and how people fall in love with each other? What is it that draws you closer to this person?

It all has to do with your subconscious and the vibrations that surround you and are so obvious that they touch you. Unfortunately, people often fail to recognize happiness, even when it's right in their face. When they want to fall in love, they subconsciously look for those people who can satisfy their needs - someone who can complete them and someone who can do everything they can't.

The subconscious wants to find a way to bring this person into your life. And through spiritual messages, he conveys to you something that is tangible - something real and physical.

If the person thinking about you is the right man or woman for you, they will meet sooner or later. And when you meet, you will surely realize that life has already tried to bring you together many times. Maybe they both knew the same people, but they always got it wrong. They were probably in the same places at the same time, maybe they were even in the same coffee shop at the same time - just each with a different company.

Your subconscious sensed the connection and brought you closer to each other until it actually brought you closer together forever.

Someone is thinking of you...

4. Strange eye movements

If you're dealing with allergies or other eye problems, you can rule this sign out. But if you haven't and your eye suddenly goes crazy, it could be your mind picking up on something.

Sudden itching or twitching of the eyes it can mean that someone is thinking of you. But there is a catch. If someone thinks about you, it doesn't necessarily mean they like you. They don't necessarily think positively of you. They may gossip or mention you in any other negative way. And believe it or not, there is a way to tell if someone has negative or positive thoughts about you.

For example, if your right eye itches or twitches, it means that someone is not happy with you, but if your left eye does this, then someone is in love with you or you will meet them.

The opposite is true for men. So if the right eye twitches, someone is praising them, while the left eye is considered to be someone talking or thinking about them in a bad way.

5. Tense mind

The human mind is extraordinary. It is so magical and still quite unexplored. He has unlimited power. Just try to think of all the things you can do with your mind. Think how many ideas you can generate and how many solutions you can find within yourself, for almost everything. You just have to crack the code to fully use your mind, or at least try to do so.

Have you ever eaten something and started choking? Or that water stuck in your throat, causing you to cough? This is because your mind creates tension. Your mind feels your name coming out of someone else's mouth. He is trying to warn you to open your eyes and look around you.

If someone talks bad about you, your mind will send you a physical signal. It will re-create the tension that will manifest itself through a physical reaction – blushing. If there is no reason to blush, why is it happening to you? Do you have an explanation? Basically, it's about being affected by the person's negative energy.

Hiccups it is also one of the signs of a tense mind and negative energy. It usually means someone is complaining about you. Which basically means drama. Unnecessary drama involving you leads to negative energy that you eventually pick up on. Someone may complain about you just to make themselves feel or look better. And if you only have hiccups when you're in the company of a certain person, it could be a sign that that person complains about you.

No one can explain why these things happen. But one thing we can do is acknowledge that there is something bigger than just us and our physical lives. There is something spiritual about our subconscious and our circumstances - and we must respect that.

Our subconscious mind will always send us physical signs, and it is up to us whether we accept them or close our eyes and continue to live in ignorance.

6. Positive energy

Our mind is truly amazing, and because it can detect negative energy and bad things, it can also detect when someone loves and supports us. Even if they are miles apart, your mind can feel the connection.

Couples feel physical sensations that can tell them their partner is thinking about them. They appear either in feeling of touch on the back or hands or in a fleeting touch on the face; they can literally feel their partner touching them, even though they are separated at the time.

Another way couples can feel their connection is when they feel a boost in energy or general mood. This happens when a person feels broken, crushed or depressed and can literally feel their energy shift just because their partner is thinking to make them feel better.

Another sign that someone is thinking positively, or more precisely lovingly, about you is hot ears. You know that feeling when your ears are suddenly warm and you can actually feel them getting red. It feels like they're burning, but it still feels good. This is a sign that someone has fallen in love with you and is thinking about you at that moment.

Do you remember sneezing, that shakes your body and is so loud, so strong that there is no way you can stop it? And there is no particular reason that this happened? There is no dust around you, you have no allergies and you have not felt any itching before. Such a sneeze usually means that someone is thinking about you and that they miss you like crazy.

Our mind and body are connected in a way that we are still unable to understand, and the best thing we can do is to stop for a moment and admire nature itself - this great masterpiece that we are surrounded by, a masterpiece that we are a part of us too.

So the next time you notice any of these signs, take some time to feel them and pay attention to what your senses are telling you.

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