
6 promises you have to make to yourself if you want to spend a fantastic autumn

Autumn is slowly approaching, the days are getting shorter, life at the beach will slowly come to an end, and you will pull out all your warm shirts from the closet. But don't worry, the months ahead are full of possibilities and memories waiting for you to create.

Although an era will soon begin when they will dried leaves fell from the trees, the days will be shortened, and the wind will herald the arrival of colder days, this is the time when you can make many changes. And that's it too time for new beginnings. Those six promises but it will make jautumn better than ever. Your life is mug, and you decide how will you fill it.

1. Don't be afraid of opportunity

Don't be afraid of opportunity.
Don't be afraid of opportunity.

Autumn is a time when you can make many changes. The wonderful yet frightening thing about life is that nothing ever stays the same. Your surroundings and you too evolve and change over time. Turn over a new leaf and become what you always wanted to be. You can start with small steps, the best things in life are on the other side of fear. So don't be afraid of changes you don't know yet.

2. Seek new heights

Seek new heights.
Seek new heights.

You probably think about why some things haven't worked out and will never work. Instead of continuing the journey, you often allow obstacles to scare you. Promise yourself that you will try to go beyond these limits and seek new heights. You will have your fears, doubts and weeks that are not on your side, but this is life that challenges you to be creative.

3. Be yourself

Be what you are.
Be what you are.

Autumn is the time when you reveal your personality. It can often happen that you simply get caught up in what is not important to you. You may agree to activities you really hate and not show what you love. Showing who you really are is not always easy, but know that the world is a better place when you show your individuality. Everyone can be a copy, but you are the original. Choose yourself and don't settle for anything less.

4. Find comfort in the unknown

Find comfort in the unknown.
Find comfort in the unknown.

A warm drink and cozy sweaters are the most cozy things this season. Comfort is key – not just when talking about these things, but in life. You can often run away from anything that is uncertain, despite a strong desire. Step by step go towards the unknown and you will see what amazing things are in the unknown.

5. Love yourself

Love yourself.
Love yourself.

You have probably been promising yourself for a long time that you will do what makes you happy. First of all, it is good to distance yourself from unnecessary drama and toxic relationships. Make room to grow and learn new things about who you are as a person. Learn to trust and believe in yourself.

6. Breathe


Even though summer is over, you should also dedicate time to nature and yourself in autumn. Take a deep breath, feel the wind, and suddenly, where your worries are, there will be room for adventure. This fall, as work begins in full swing, remember that breathing is important. Take time for yourself.

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