
6 Rumi messages to help you when you're feeling down

"Work like you don't need money, dance like nobody's watching, love like you've never been hurt." - Rumi

Rare poets can, with the power of their written words, open the door to self-knowledge and help us overcome difficult times. One of them is the Persian poet, Sufi mystic Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi.

Let's look at his messages that will help us find the way to a better feeling.

1. Fall in love with silence

"Close the door of speech (mouth). Open the window of love (eyes).”

Disconnect from the outside world as often as possible to feel the beauty of silence. Realize that silence is the true nature of your being and your natural state. Accept silence as your own choice, don't let it be imposed on you because it will only create more resistance in you.

2. Take a break from anything that drains you

“After the feeding days, go to the fasting days. After days of sleep, stay up all night. After a period of sad story-telling, take two days to withdraw to a place where the soul is sweeter and blooms more than through story-telling.”

Let the time of crisis show you the opportunity to make changes that you may have wanted to make, but have always put them off and returned to the old way.

3. Seek wisdom and strength within yourself

"Don't look for it outside yourself. You milk this milk from yourself, not from others.”

If you seek validation, truth, strength, approval from others, you will only be disappointed, simply because no one can give it to you. Do not listen to others, listen to that inner voice, the quiet voice of intuition, which speaks to you even in the most difficult moments:"Everything will be okay."

4. Embrace your destiny

"Who is changing it? I shoot the arrow to the right and it hits the left. I hunt a doe on horseback, and in the end a wild boar chases me…” wrote Rumi.

You can plan very carefully, but no one can guarantee that your plans will come true. You have to accept it and change only what you can.

5. Examine your preferences

"You should question your wishes."

Ask yourself if you have needed all that you have until now and if your desires were justified.

6. Immerse yourself in your inner world

"Feel the smell of a real orchard. Taste the vineyard in the vineyard.”

There are indoor orchards and vineyards that you can only smell and taste with your eyes closed. When you feel all the sweetness of your being, nothing that comes from the outside world will bother you anymore. You will be aware of events that would cause most people to despair and panic, but you will remain calm and composed, knowing that you have your own faithful and safe haven - the glorious parts of your heart. Outside of them, everything is transitory and impermanent anyway.

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