
6 signs that you need more time for yourself in a relationship

Photo: envato

Do you sometimes feel trapped in a relationship, that something is suffocating you, that you are not satisfied, that...? It doesn't necessarily have to do with your feelings for your partner. You can love him and he loves you, but you still lack something.

Maybe this is the time you need for yourself? You may have neglected yourself, your interests and desires. Maybe he wants us to be together all the time.

Personal space in a relationship and time for yourself do not mean anything bad, on the contrary, because in this way your relationship can only get stronger. How to tell your partner that you lack time for yourself without getting into an argument.

Here are some situations that indicate you need space in a relationship:


1. You often argue

It doesn't matter if you're arguing about small things or big, important things. Arguing is exhausting, if it happens often, it raises the question of whether you even agree on anything. You may feel unsatisfied, unfulfilled, suffocated, neglected... people express a lot of their dissatisfaction through arguments.

2. Spending time together is no longer fun

Friday movie nights used to be more fun, but now they're a little boring? Wednesday was reserved for Chinese food, and now you're just as bored. When our partners and I get into a routine, safety can look great, but it can lose its fun appeal. Try to change something, rekindle interest.


3. Inform your partner about every decision you make

Sometimes one person becomes so dependent on another that he has to inform him about everything, even if it was the most ordinary visit to the store. The inability to do anything without telling your partner first is a sign of codependency, which can easily turn into a controlling relationship. You become someone who can't do anything on your own without your partner's approval. Remember that you were able to do all these things on your own before you met him, so get back to that person.

4. You feel the need to be alone for a bit

Before, you couldn't wait for every free moment to see each other, but now you wouldn't mind sitting alone and drinking coffee, reading a book... Wanting to do things without your partner is completely normal and something you should both strive for. Everyone should have some time for themselves and this should not be a problem.


5. You neglect your own interests

If you find it hard to remember the last time you had time to read a good book, exercise, go out for drinks with friends, then this is a sign that you need to start doing some of the things you loved before you met your partner. Maybe he feels the same way. Allow yourself and your partner to have separate hobbies and interests. This will make you appreciate the time you spend together more.

6. You feel suffocated

There comes a point in every relationship when the obsession with each other becomes too much. Especially if only one side is like that, a bit possessive when they want to spend 24 hours together. Then the other partner feels like they can't breathe, like they're suffocating. This is one of the most obvious times that you need space. Speak frankly. Reassure him that you love him, that he means something to you, and that space in a relationship has no hidden meaning, that you don't want to leave him, but that you need some time to yourself.

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