
6 signs that you are a strong and charismatic person: the fifth is why many people avoid you

What are the signs that you are a really strong person?

1. You show your feelings openly

You tend to open up to new people incredibly quickly. You don't color and embellish your feelings and are often tactful. You don't care who knows how you really feel.

2. You really care about everyone

Face it, there are some things you don't feel passionate about. Are you passionate about certain things or just don't care. There is no middle way. When you find your passion, you surrender to it, and if necessary, fight for it with all your might.

And with that in mind…

3. Fight without limits

When something doesn't go the way it should, you fight. You never give up. However, your intensity does not come across as aggression. Approach the situation wisely and calculatedly.


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4. Speak concisely and persuasively

Never, ever say something you don't mean. You are a good speaker, but more importantly, your words carry weight.

5. You are honest to the point of pain

You are direct and don't waste time on nonsense. When you say something, you mean it, whether it's positive or negative. You are a sincere and honest person.

6. You want a meaningful conversation

You are not interested in talking about the weather or the latest gossip. You want a concrete conversation, not something current and meaningless. You are attracted to topics such as philosophy, psychology, spirituality, art, society.

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