
6 steps to ask the universe for exactly what you need

Photo: envato

Manifesting is something that is being talked about more and more. Many spiritual teachers, books and websites claim that we can determine our own reality and happiness in life, and more and more people are finding in practice that this is indeed the case. But what if you are one of those who have not yet mastered the technique of manifestation and are instead increasingly confused? Then read on - we have prepared 6 steps for you on how to ask the universe for exactly what you need and get it.

1. Believe that you deserve life's happiness

Maybe you dream about better salaries, you might want to of love, but maybe your goal is simple a feeling of happiness. What exactly you want to manifest in your success does not play a big role- Law of Attraction namely, it always works in the same way. It just depends on how you yourself you perceive desired good, person or feeling: or deep down you believe you are you don't earn or yes to her you are unable to come? You must know that such feelings of your manifestation they block and cause your ambitions to remain unattainable.
The first step is to have love yourself and that you begin to consciously believe that you are luck, success and you deserve love. It is also not good to set your ambitions on pedestal: this way you will inadvertently tell the universe that they are for you too far or to make them you are afraid.

You have to believe that you deserve a happy life oto: Cottonbro Studio / Pexels

2. Figure out why you want something

When manifesting it is important to focus on vibration: if we are located at high wavelengths, which matches ours feelings of success, we will also receive the desired thing. But sometimes it happens that we want something from wrong reasons and so we inadvertently send to the universe conflicting signals. Maybe you want material goods because you think you will better accepted in society, but at the same time people who judge you because of your situation, you hate it. Maybe you dream about love because it represents you confirmation, that you are good enough, and at the same time you are convinced that it is you are not worthy.
It is important to try these kinds of negative emotions and representations to remove from your thoughts and replace them with feelings of happiness, which will overwhelm you when your wish is fulfilled.

3. Don't start from a sense of lack

You will emit the opposite vibrations even if instead of from gratitude you come from feeling of lack. If, for example, you manifest better financial situation, you must not perceive yourself as of the poor and money to constantly associate with by fear, worries and problems. The same applies when we talk about of love and friendship: if you see yourself as someone who is not very popular with people and feels all the time loneliness, then such a performance will come true. Instead, try to think of yourself as the person who is all your ambitions already achieved and which just bursts from self-confidence and startup.
If you feel that you are not yet at the point where you can see yourself in a positive light, at least try not to criticized and underestimated.

Try to look at yourself with pride and confidence Photo: red Souza / Pexels

4. Be grateful for everything you already have

Feelings of lack are best avoided with help listings of all the things we can be grateful. It is important not to get caught in a loop comparisons with others and you get the feeling that it's your life far from perfect. Instead, try to remember the last time you were felt happiness: was it while hanging out with friends, watching the sunrise, walking in the woods…? These are all moments that you can appreciate it, but you shouldn't forget yours either health and life experiences.

5. Get into manifesting

The most important part of manifesting is to raise your vibration matches with the vibration of success or the goal you want. Because this is what we best achieve as individuals different ways, there are more different techniques. We advise you the method in which first you meditate for at least 15 minutes, that is, you completely silence your thoughts - that way you will no longer have your desires inadvertently blocked. Next, think of something you are for grateful or what you makes you happy and hold the thought and feeling of joy for at least 17 seconds. Then you can follow flow of thought and focus on the next thought you feel, or you can say your own out loud affirmations.
It is important that you speak in to the present, i.e.: "I am...", "I have..."..., and to imagine that you wish already implemented. Hold the feeling of happiness and gratitude at least 17 seconds. Some people manifest easier if they look at each other the mirror, others by giving their affirmations write down, third with help pictures and photos your perfect life... there are a lot of options and you will surely find the one that suits you best.

6. Act as if you have already received the item

Manifesting itself is a very important part of the receiving process, but by no means it is not the only or the last. Once you've said your affirmations, it's time to start acting like one the best version of themselves. When dealing with everyday events, ask yourself how you would react to them reacted the person who has as much money as you want, who is in a happy relationship, who has the job you dream of… You would probably behave much more confidently like you, relaxed made new connections and acquaintances, se set for herself and kept positive.
In order for your manifestations to come true, you need this person to become. In the beginning, you may feel a bit off uncomfortable, and over time it will be easier for you and self-confidence will help you achieve everything you are only dreaming about now.

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