
6 TEDx talks perfect for lunchtime viewing

Congratulations! You lasted until lunch. While you eat, watch one of six great TEDx talks that are just the right length to watch over brunch or lunch.

Six invigorators TEDx speeches that can be compared to a cup of coffee.

1. Andy Puddicombe: All it takes is 10 mindful minutes

When was the last time we did absolutely nothing for 10 minutes? That's all we need to get in touch with ourselves and live in the present moment.

2. Jarrett J. Krosoczka: Why lunch ladies are heroes

The author of bestselling children's books explains the importance and power of thanks through the story of school cooks.

3. Kathryn Schulz: On being wrong

Many of us are afraid of making mistakes. Kathryn Schulz is here to convince us otherwise as she explains the importance of being able to acknowledge all of our failures in life.

4. Phil Hansen: Embrace the shake

By losing the ability to draw a straight line, Phil Hansen lost the meaning of his artistic life. Until the neurologist advised him to embrace his deficiency and turn it into a unique advantage.

5. Jennifer Lee: The hunt for General Tso

Journalist Jennifer Lee reveals the origins of interesting Chinese-American dishes.

6. Ze Frank: Are you human?

Ze Frank has prepared some interesting questions that we must answer if we want to make sure that we really belong among the people.

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