
6 things you need to clear up with your partner before you get married

Photo: envato

For many people, a wedding is one of the most beautiful experiences in life and an official recognition of love with the one they love the most. However, at the same time, marriage is a very important decision that should not be taken before we have carefully considered all aspects of life together. We have prepared for you a list of 6 things that you and your partner must clear up before getting married.

1. Children - yes or no?

It may sound obvious, but there are many couples who break up after several years precisely because of disagreements about family planning. We suggest that the question of whether the partner wants a child, place as soon as possible. If you've been dreaming of a family all your life and it's something you just won't give up on adjusted, it would be a shame to plan the future with someone who does not have this desire. The same applies if you are sure that you will not have children.
It is also good to talk, how much they want a child. Are you ready to adapt to your partner's wishes regarding the number or is this something you will not be able to do deviated? Only you have the answers.

There is nothing better than having children - do you both feel that way? Photo: Jessica Rockowitz/Unsplash

2. Live with parents or move out?

Some also want to stay in the wedding same house as parents, the rest can't wait to they move to their own. The first option is financially more favorable, the second allows you more freedom, but in any case it is essential that you make the decision with your partner before marriage. Remember, your partner can't read your mind, so you need to talk about plans talk.
We also suggest that you do joint life, if possible, experience it already before marriage. Many couples will confirm that they only really got to know each other when they lived together and thus learned resolve conflicts and accept compromises.

3. How will you handle finances?

When planning a joint future, it is also important to clarify how you will deal with finances. Some couples choose to joint finances, others do not choose this option - there are no right answers to this question, but it is important to discuss this with your partner they agree.
It also helps that you are well aware of what kind consumer habits has another and that they accept or they decide to a compromise. In this way, you will prevent misunderstandings that arise too soon if one of you spends most of the money save, while the other wants to scoop up life with a big spoon regardless of the costs.

Do you know how you will handle your finances? Photo: Mikhail Nilov / Pexels

4. What are your long-term goals?

In times of globalization, it is not unusual for us to better career opportunities they offer outside the hometown or countries. However, many people do not imagine life abroad, far from their family and friends. Therefore, you and your partner need to discuss what your preferences are priorities, about what they are willing to accept a compromise and what neither of you is ready for cancel.

5. How will you resolve misunderstandings?

We all want love without problems and misunderstandings, but unfortunately we cannot expect this in real life. Therefore, it is very important that you look at your relationship with realistic sides: if you are unable to resolve conflicts before the wedding compassionate and respectful ways, this is certainly not a good plan for the future. It depends on the relationship to work, to be aware of one's own shortcomings and find ways, how to resolve arguments in a healthy way.

It is important to resolve misunderstandings in a healthy and compassionate way Photo: Ketut Subiyanto / Pexels

6. What about when it comes to the bedroom?

Forget about shame - in a healthy relationship, it is necessary to talk about sex as well they speak frankly and you know what yours are like needs. It's not pleasant in a relationship if one of you wants to everyday intimacy, and the other only needs it a few times a month. This usually means that it will only be more difficult for you in the long run.
It is also good to know what your partner likes attracts the most and tell him what you enjoy most about yourself.

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