
6 tips on how you can improve intimate relationships

Photo: twenty20

Your intimate relationships are not what you want them to be and you are looking for ways to improve them, what can you do to enjoy them again? These tips will definitely improve your intimate relationships.

Sexuality is an important aspect of a quality relationship, so if you are struggling in this area, here are some ways to solve them.

Say no to false climaxes

Fake orgasms are not uncommon, and one study found that as many as 60 percent of women fake an orgasm from time to time. However, pretending in a relationship is not a good thing, as it can seriously damage the relationship with your partner, which will unnecessarily lead to disagreements and even worse sex. It is better to direct your partner to what you like most during intercourse so that both of you can climax.


Be confident and open with each other

Always say what you want. Don't hesitate, but be honest and open with your partner, tell him what suits you and what doesn't. Studies have shown that partners who are open to each other have better sex, because the satisfaction is mutual.

Don't be quiet

Don't be silent during intercourse, lower your voice. There is a high correlation between loud sex and good sex, and what you say during it can turn your partner on, so don't hesitate to tell him what you like and how you feel at that moment.


Let sex reflect your feelings

How many times have you had great sex after an argument with your partner? Or tender after a romantic dinner? Sexuality should always express your feelings, because the excitement in the bedroom will be greater. Whether it's gentler or rougher sex, each has its own charm and each can be phenomenal.

Try something new

Sex should be something special every time, so always try something new with your partner. Something you'll both enjoy.



More sex equals better sex and a good way to keep you and your partner happy.

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