
6 tips to prevent wrinkles from forming while you sleep

Photo: envato

One of the biggest fears of women when it comes to appearance is certainly the appearance of wrinkles. Did you know that wrinkles can form while you sleep? It's true, but you can prevent it. Just how?

The concern that men generally do not understand is not imaginary. The appearance of the first wrinkles and aging causes concern for some women and they would do a lot to prevent it.

If you always sleep on the same side, there is a high probability that you will wake up with a wrinkled face, and eventually real wrinkles will appear. So keep in mind that constant pressure on one side of your face can cause permanent wrinkles. Let's see what we can do to prevent wrinkles while sleeping!

Sleep on your back

Sleeping on your stomach or side creates constant pressure on your face. Over time, this pressure will affect the formation of wrinkles on the side of your face where you sleep. This can be overcome by sleeping on your back. For many people, sleeping on their back can be uncomfortable and their body and control cannot be controlled during sleep. But dermatologists believe that sleeping on your back can be more comfortable.

Sleep on your back. Photo: Jill Burrow/Unsplash


Memory foam pillow

If you can't get used to sleeping on your back, you can get a special memory foam pillow. It provides many benefits: reduces the possibility of wrinkles, keeps the skin cleaner, hydrates skin cells and thus prevents the formation of wrinkles.

Forget cotton covers

Cotton covers crumple and encourage the formation of wrinkles, while satin and silk covers "glide" and do not encourage the formation of wrinkles on the face.


Retinol is probably the most powerful weapon you have in the competition with anti-wrinkle cosmetics. A derivative of vitamin A stimulates collagen and gives the skin a glow. Dermatologists keep telling people to use the strongest retinol cream their skin can handle.

Use quality face creams. Photo: Engin Akyurt / Unsplash

Don't forget the night cream

Night creams are heavy and thick, so they deeply moisturize the skin. When shopping, choose a night cream that contains as much hyaluronic acid as possible, which helps maintain skin tone and firmness.

Get enough sleep

Although it may seem obvious, many people stay up late at night and have a disrupted sleep cycle. There are no rules for how much sleep a person needs to rest, as each person is different, but it is important that the body and brain rest at night.

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