Do you often have cold feet? The very mention of the cold freezes the blood in many people's veins, because there are many who get cold feet in the winter. This is the result of poor circulation, which is very difficult to influence only with external helpers, such as thermal socks, dry and waterproof shoes,... The cure for cold feet can be found in natural helpers, such as food and teas.
Cold feet they are not only a sign of poor blood circulation, others also point to it changes in the body, such as cramps in the hands and fingers after walking, painful knees and ankles, and purple skin.
Impaired circulation causes disturbances in the functioning of the sweat glands, which causes infections and damage to the skin, especially in cold weather. They are the best circulation boosters specific dietary changes and herbal baths.
Photo: Taryn/Pexels
How to warm cold feet?
1. Appropriate footwear
Footwear in cold weather must be waterproof and dry, but above all comfortable, yes enables normal circulation. The most important thing is to avoid synthetic sock materials, which encourage sweating of the feet and consequently their cooling due to the humid environment.
2. Drinking water
For normal blood circulation, it is necessary to drink the recommended amount of water. If the body is thirsty, circulation becomes difficult. Normal circulation means sleep about a liter and a half of water a day, more precisely 30 milliliters of water per kilogram of body weight. Drink hot drinks more often, but avoid those with caffeine, as they affect the narrowing of blood vessels.
3. Food
Foods that can be very helpful in improving circulation are garlic, olive oil and red wine, fruits rich in vitamin C, all improve the blood flow to the capillaries. Nuts, cinnamon, ginger and pumpkin seeds, which contain vitamin E, B3 and niacin, are allies in "pushing" blood through the blood vessels.
4. Shopping
Two baths, hot and cold, are the best way to increase in circulation, by dipping your feet alternately into one and then into the other. This method has a beneficial effect on circulation and promotes the smooth movement of blood through blood vessels.
Photo: Pixabay
5. Homemade preparations
It is best to avoid baths with shampoos and use only targeted ones home remedies, in one such nettle reigns. Soak a cup in five liters of water nettle roots and two cups of nettle leaves and leave overnight. The liquid is then boiled, strained and used as a bath, the best effect will be seen in half an hour during which the feet are soaked.
It is a drink that will replace the lack of fluid in the body and speed up blood circulation in the body horse chestnut tea. 10 grams of horse chestnut kernels should be crushed in a mortar and the contents should be poured with a liter of water. Heat on low heat, and when it boils, cook for five minutes. Strain and drink a cup of tea three times a day.
6. Massage
It is very difficult to perform a foot massage during working hours, for example in the office, but then it is best to reach for a quick solution. In a half liter bottle pour hot water, but not to the top, close the opening. Stay in your socks and walk with your feet over the entire surface of the bottle, i.e. push the bottle with your feet.