
7 habits of women who always have enough money in their account

Photo: envato

There are women who spend their salary almost immediately, but there are also women who have no problems with finances. They simply have healthy financial habits, and you can find out what those habits are below in the post.

It's hard to find a balance between convenience and a solid account balance. However, there are some tricks, that can save you money, without requiring much sacrifice. It is only necessary to be aware that it is a process, which takes months and sometimes years and requires a lot of self-control, commitment, planning and avoiding unnecessary costs.

1. Nothing without saving

Women who master their finances know that it is saving is a necessary element. Saving does not mean that you frantically save money and give up pleasures, but that you spend money rationally.

Financial experts recommend using the rule 50/30/20. This rule says that 50 % of your income should go to living expenses, 30 % to entertainment (going out, travel, etc.) and 20 % to savings.

2. They spend money carefully

Women who have more money are not spendthrift. They are fully aware of the flow of money and will spend on things that are theirs really important and necessary. Even if they want something, they won't buy it - no matter how good the product is. There is a conscious decision behind every purchase, and this self-awareness helps them spend more wisely on the things that bring them joy.


3. Payment by cash

Many people use a credit card to shop, but they don't have an overview of their account balance, giving them the freedom to spend money carelessly. Women who have savings know it is smarter to pay in cash, as they have control over how much they have spent and how much they want to spend. So opt for cash payment as it will save you a lot of money in the long run.

4. They buy with discounts

Discounts are a great way to buy the product you want. Impulse shopping is undoubtedly exciting and fun, but it's even more exciting to spend less on what you could easily overpay for.


5. They have plans for the future

Setting up short-term and long-term financial goals is a very important item. A spending plan will allow you to more clearly see and monitor where your money is going. For example, if you want to save money for a trip, it will be easier to control yourself because you have a goal.

6. They make extra money

One of the habits of women who have a little more money in their account is to search another source of income. Whether you want to work on the side, turn a hobby into an additional source of income, or invest in real estate, all of the above options are worthy investments that can increase your monthly income.

7. They value what they have

One of the best habits of women who always have money is that they have learned be satisfied with it, which they have. Money alone won't make you happy, but we can't ignore the fact that having more money in your account makes life less stressful. So be grateful for what you already have and it will bring you happiness.

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