
7 Signs You Have Above Average Emotional Intelligence

Photo: Monstera/Pexels

Emotional intelligence means being aware of your emotions and their impact on your behavior, especially when interacting with other people. In short, people with high emotional intelligence navigate life more easily. How do you know if your emotional intelligence quotient is higher than most people? This reveals the following 7 signs.

1. You are grateful for what you already have

When you are more focused on what you already have and are for it grateful, instead of what you don't have and would like to have, you are more able to set new goals in life and achieve them. So if you want something you don't have, be grateful for what you already have. In addition, this way of thinking allows you to be more efficient in your own environment.

2. You realize that no one is perfect

People with a high emotional intelligence quotient know that neither they nor any no other person in the world is perfect. We are all flawed people and everyone can work on themselves to become a better person. Knowing this and being honest about it can help you fix your own mistakes and become a better person without unrealistic expectations.

Emotional intelligence means being aware of your emotions and how they affect your behavior.
Photo: Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

3. You are very curious

You're always looking answers and new knowledge. Your insatiable curiosity allows you to achieve improvements in yourself and in everything around you. Your positive energy and passion for life attract people around you, who you help to see more possibilities in life than impossibilities.

4. You have developed self-awareness

You are aware of your own advantages and also disadvantages. This knowledge gives you the opportunity to take full advantage of everything that can help you achieve success in life.

5. You are very empathetic

They are people with high emotional intelligence also very empathetic, that is, they know how to empathize with others, which helps them to see something positive in every negative situation and find a solution to conflicts.

6. You adapt well to change

You do not see yourself as a "victim" of changes, but you accept changes and know how to adapt to them. You realize that changes in life are inevitable and you welcome them, seeing them as an opportunity for new opportunities.

7. Take care of your physical and mental health

Awareness the importance of good health, both psychological and physical, is also characteristic of people with a high emotional intelligence quotient. You know that good health allows you to achieve everything you want in life, so take care of your body by eating healthy, exercising, getting enough rest, and maintaining healthy relationships with other people.

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