
7 Super Weird Things You Didn't Know About Your Body Hair

Hair is not just on you, it has a purpose.

Take a moment to consider the role your body hair plays in every aspect of your life.

1. They regulate body temperature

Body hair protects us from various factors. They also help with regulation of body temperature, either to wick away sweat when we're hot, or to help keep us comfortably warm when we're cold.

2. Less hair means less sex drive

Thick, strong pubic hair indicates a higher level of sensitivity to testosterone and androgenic substances. That could mean you're having trouble getting regular periods and have a higher-than-average sex drive, he says Alisa Vitti, nutritionist, CEO of FLOLiving.com.

For the same reason, thin, sparse pubic hair can in some cases (especially if the hair was previously lush) indicate a mineral deficiency and hormonal imbalances. You may have severe PMS, which leads to decreased libido.

3. They have a short lifespan

If you didn't manage to get rid of them completely by shaving or waxing, there's no way you'll become a bear. Body hair is much shorter and theirs life span is about six months.

4. Tiny bugs live in your eyelashes

They are called mites. Really, this is no joke. Now you can vomit.

5. Hair loss is not permanent

Technically, when someone loses their hair, it not permanent only growth is at a standstill.

6. People without hair don't live that long

Blondes often have more estrogen, redheads feel it more pain. People who are bald but should have a shorter lifespan.

7. It determines the level of intelligence

It's crazy, but true. A study showed that the more body hair you have, the smarter you are. Or you just don't have time to shave?!

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