
7 things you should never say to a pregnant woman

Photo: envato

Pregnancy is a beautiful period in a woman's life, full of excitement, anticipation and a whole range of emotions. However, it is important to know that pregnancy can also be a sensitive and physically demanding period. In this article, we reveal seven things you should never say to a pregnant woman.

Pregnancy is a transformative period in a woman's life. When interacting with pregnant womenIt is vital that we pay attention to our words and actions. Understanding the sensitivities and physical demands of pregnancy can help us have conversations with empathy and respect. By avoiding these seven things mentioned above, we can create a nurturing and encouraging environment for mothers-to-be. Let's celebrate the miracle of life and honor the incredible journey, on of which they appear.

When interacting with pregnant women, it is crucial that we pay attention to our words and actions.
Photo: Dominica/Pexels

1. "Are you sure you won't have twins?"

Although it may seem like a light joke, commenting on a pregnant woman's size can be very hurtful. Pregnancy affects every woman differently and physical changes can vary. Instead, focus on the beauty of her pregnancy journey and offer her kind words of encouragement.

2. "I see you're already eating for two..."

A pregnant woman's body is constantly changing as the baby grows, so it's important to pay attention to the language you use. Commenting on her size or weight gain can set her off and negatively impact her self-esteem. Opt for compliments about her radiant glow or how pregnancy suits her instead.

3. “Are you still working?”

Pregnancy does not mean that a woman is unable to work or continue her career. Assuming she should be resting in bed or questioning her work responsibilities can be insulting and dismissive. Show support by asking how she's managing her workload and offering to help if needed.

4. “Can I touch your belly?”

Personal space is crucial whether one is pregnant or not. It is imperative that you ask permission before touching a pregnant woman's belly. Remember, it's her body and she has the right to decide who can touch it. Respect her boundaries and prefer to show interest in her pregnancy through conversation.

It is imperative that you ask permission before touching a pregnant woman's belly.
Photo: Jonathan/Pexels

5. "You're probably tired all the time..."

Although pregnancy can cause fatigue, it can be patronizing to assume that all pregnant women are constantly exhausted. Every pregnancy is different and energy levels can vary. Instead, ask her how she's feeling and offer support or help if she needs it.

6. “Are you still in one piece?”

Labeling a pregnant woman as if she's going to give birth at any moment can cause unnecessary pressure and anxiety. She is about 40 weeks pregnant and commenting on her due date or appearance may make her uncomfortable. Stick to positive and encouraging remarks that focus on her well-being and the joy of impending motherhood.

7. "Are you planning a natural birth?"

Birth plans are deeply personal choices and it is imperative to respect women's decisions and privacy. Asking about her birth plan can make her feel judged or pressured to defend her decisions. Instead, show an interest in her general well-being and ask how she is preparing for the arrival of her baby.

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