
How does a woman's body change after childbirth?

Photo: Chayene Rafaela / Unsplash

Pregnancy and motherhood is something that is constantly talked about, while much less attention is paid to what a woman's body goes through during such a vulnerable period.

Some bodies go through minor changes, others experience major changes in the postpartum period. And each of these changes is completely normal and natural for a body that has created a new life. But here we should not only talk about physical changes, but also about mental and emotional ones. Your body is changing, you are changing, and you have to go through a lot to give birth to a little being.

These are some of the most common changes that occur in the body of mothers.

Hair thinning

Many women have problems with thinning hair after becoming mothers. Due to sudden hormonal changes, hair loss often occurs, lack of volume and hair, as a rule, has a significantly lower quality than before childbirth or pregnancy.

The good news is that you won't have thin hair forever and it will eventually recover. Hormones take time to regulate, and the period of thin hair usually lasts up to six months.

A woman's body is changing. Photo: Freestocks / Unsplash

You will also help to recover faster if you include foods rich in vitamin B in your diet. You can also add B complex to your shampoo, as it strengthens the hair and stimulates its growth.


It is quite possible that you will have pimples during pregnancy and after pregnancy, even if you haven't had them in such quantity since puberty. As many as 15 % women who have just become mothers notice that pimples and acne appear on their skin. This is completely normal due to hormonal imbalance.

We emphasize that you don't fight pimples in the same way as you do with pimples, and we mean mainly retinol and salicylic acid, which you shouldn't use while breastfeeding. Instead, use skin-evening vitamin C, benzoyl peroxide, and glycolic acids.

Stretch marks

Stretch marks are almost inevitable during pregnancy. To prevent them, you can apply anti-stretch mark creams - for some this will minimize their appearance, for others it will not help at all. There are also women whose skin is so stretchy that they won't get stretch marks at all. And all of the above is fine.

The beauty industry has us convinced that stretch marks are ugly, but they are completely normal and tell us what your body has been through. If you have stretch marks on your stomach, thighs, buttocks, breasts, which were caused by pregnancy, don't hide them and feel bad about it.

You are beautiful, regardless of all the changes in your body. Photo: Jonathan Borba / Unsplash

The truth is, your body is different now than it was when it went through so many changes. But it's your body, it's beautiful and it deserves to be loved.

Dry skin

Dry skin is another common change during childbirth, precisely because of the sudden change in hormones and the drop in estrogen. Your skin will recover over time, and you can help it with extra hydration. So this means using moisturizers and oily creams that will lock moisture into the skin.

Skin peeling, redness and irritation may also occur. Drink more water to help your body recover.

Again, we stress that all of these changes are normal and that it's completely okay to not feel good about your body during this period. Give yourself time, because now the child is your priority. The most important thing is to get enough rest, accept all the help that is available to you.

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