
8 funny intimate illustrations of what couples do behind closed doors

Funny illustrations of couples.

We present to the public only what we want them to know. What goes on behind closed doors is our little secret. And this is proven by these funny illustrations, which show what the day of an average couple is like between four walls. They will surely find each other.

Amanda Oleander it is an artist, who in their illustrations shows everyday intimate moments of couples – some of their moments are nothing special, but there are some that are really unpleasantAmanda draws ideas for drawings from her own life, namely from relationship with your partner.

Do you two find yourself in her illustrations?


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Drawing 42/100 of the drawing a day for 100 days challenge. Title: Late night life talks. // Last night after watching @westworldhbo @joeyrudman and I stayed up talking about life. We talked about robots and how he is very concerned and certain that they will take over the planet. We talked about how there are so many people who believe the world is flat among other topics until we fell asleep into dreamland. Except it wasn't dreamland for me, it was nightmareland since WestWorld season 2 was so damn violent. 🔪😟 ——————————————————————————————— Título: Hablando de la vida antes de ir a dormir. ———————————————————————— Title: Falando sobre a vida antes de ir dormir. -------------- ————————————————————————— Title: Parlando della vita prima di andare a dormire. ———————————————————————— Titel: Über das Leben vor dem Schlafengehen sprechen. ————————————————————————— Address: الحديث عن الحياة قبل النوم ———————————————————————— 제목: 제목 이야기 이야기 이야기 이야기 이야기 이야기 이야기 이야기 이야기 이야기 이야기 이야기 이야기 이야기 이야기 이야기 이야기 이야기 이야기

A post shared by A manda👩🏻‍🎨O leander (@amandaoleander) he


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Drawing 39/100 of the drawing a day for 100 days challenge. When he tells me the vacuum doesn't work, I know exactly how to fix it. Pass me the scissors!/ This is inspired by our weekly home cleans. We currently have a @dirtdevil that constantly gets stuck with hair. I have to cut hair off of it about three times every time I clean 😩 So we are getting a new vacuum. What do you guys recommend?? @hoover / @dyson / @kenmoreappliances / @irobot ? / So many to choose from! My mom swears by her Dyson and my good friend loves his Roomba so I think it's between those two but I just can't see the Roomba being able to handle all of the hair. If we find one we love, I'll write up a blog for those also in the market for a vacuum. ———————————————————————— Cuando me dice que la aspiradora no funciona, sé exactly cómo solusionollo. ¡Pásame las tijeras!

A post shared by A manda👩🏻‍🎨O leander (@amandaoleander) he


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Drawing 24/100 of the drawing a day for 100 days challenge. Always finding hair balls on our clean laundry. ——————————————————— Siempre encontramos pelotas de cabello en nuestra ropa limpia. —————————————————— Translation thanks to @zzmayhem : Trovare semper cumuli di capelli sul nostro bucato pulito ———————————————— ——— Semper encontrando bolas de pélo na nossa roupa limpa. —————————————————— Translation thanks to : @olliday : Всегда находит шарики из волос на нашех чистой одежда —————————————— ———— Time-lapse of this drawing in the Instagram story.

A post shared by A manda👩🏻‍🎨O leander (@amandaoleander) he



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Drawing 4/100 of the drawing a day for 100 days challenge. When you are giving a back rub but find a goodie on the way 🤗 ———————————————— Translation thanks to @corinamery25 🇵🇪 Cuando estás dando un masaje y te encuentas un regalito en el camino🤗 ———————————————— Quando você está dando um esfregaço nas costas, mas encontre uma boa no caminho 🤗 🇧🇷 ————————————— —— Quando stai facendo un massaggio alla schiena, ma trovi un tesoro lungo la strada 🤗 🇮🇹 ————————————————— Translation thanks to @csungee 🇭🇺 Amokvar vakarod a hátát és vértan rábukkansz egy pattanásra 🤗 ———————————————— Translation thanks to @_budazz_ 🇷🇺 When you massage your back and find a small treasure along the way 🤗 ———————————— ——————————————— Art prints and original paintings on the site link in bio🌼

A post shared by A manda👩🏻‍🎨O leander (@amandaoleander) he


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Drawing 2/100 for the drawing a day for 100 days challenge. Title: I Forgot A Towel! —————————————————————————— Título: ¡Olvidé una toalla! —————————————————————————— Título: Esqueci uma toalha! ——————————————————————————— Title: I forgot towels! —————————————————————————— Translation thanks to @zzmayhem Title: Ho dimenticato l'asciugamano! ——————————————————————————— Art prints and original paintings on the site link in bio🌼

A post shared by A manda👩🏻‍🎨O leander (@amandaoleander) he


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-24 Hour Print Sale- I just released 6 prints on the site! Link in bio🎉🎨 4 are never before released prints. And two are favorites I brought back from the first 100 drawing collection for all of you newbies on the account that missed out ❤️😊 check the Instagram story to see their names, or scroll back to them on the page to read the inspirations behind them. ———————————————————————————————— New drawings available on my website for sale during 24 hours. 🎨🎉 ———————————————————————— New designs available on my site for sale within 24 hours. 🎨🎉 ———————————————————————— Nuovi disegni disponibili sul mio sito web and vendita per 24 ore. 🎨🎉

A post shared by A manda👩🏻‍🎨O leander (@amandaoleander) he


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Drawing 58/100 of the drawing a day for 100 days challenge. This is when you are cuddling and you accidentally scratch your love with your toe nail... 🤗sorry! . . This is inspired by last night when I got very close to @joeyrudman's toe nail and he was like “careful!” And then it brought me back to the time he scratched me and it bled and left a scar 😂 my mind immediately went to this drawing idea but of course I had to exaggerate it a bit for effect. 🤗 . ————————————— Esto es cuando accidentalmente rascas tu amor con tu uña del pie... ¡Lo siento! . . Está está inspired en la noche previous cuando me acerqué mucho a la uña del dedo gordo de @joeyrudman y me dijo "¡cuidado!" Y luego me recordé una vez me rascó y sangraba y dejó una cicatriz "mi mente se fue immediatente a esta idea de dibujo, pero por supuesto tuve que exagera un poco por efecto. 🤗 ——————————— ———— Time-lapse in the Instagram story. ————————————————— Prints and originals available on my site, link in bio🌷🎨

A post shared by A manda👩🏻‍🎨O leander (@amandaoleander) he

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