
Why do people like karaoke?

Why do people like karaoke?

It's no secret that listening to music has such a power to trigger our emotional response. But it's not entirely clear why when you take the microphone and take over the role of vocalist, even though you may not have hearing, you surprisingly feel so powerful and good.

Karaoke, although they combine I'm nervous and fear of performing, they elicit that from many individuals least expectedperforming in front of a crowd of strangers.

The question is what makes you want to take the plunge microphone and why the med performances make you feel so good.

A series of studies, published in the newspaper Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, she showed that she is music closely related to the most basic human desire: feel connected to other people. So they are in one the research found, that they are foreigners, who sang in choirs, connected faster than those who they are not into music, but with other creative tasks such as writing, art or craft. The common goal – learning songs – contributed to them individuals connected after two hours of singing.
Such an effect should also be in karaoke.

Music is closely related to the most basic human desire: to feel connected to other people.
Music is closely related to the most basic human desire: to feel connected to other people.

Besides companies also plays an important role social context, writes Professor of Communication Rob Drew: bar atmosphere, famous songs and many friends they contribute to making it easier for a person to decide to perform and connect with people they don't even know.

The bar atmosphere, well-known songs and friends contribute to making it easier for a person to decide to perform.
The bar atmosphere, well-known songs and friends contribute to making it easier for a person to decide to perform.

They used to be karaoke was an ironic activity, but today it is an integral part nightlife. The development of the Internet has made it possible without limit selection of songs, so karaoke has become a way through which an individual can sing popular songs become part of art, which he loves.

Song selection plays an important role in karaoke - everyone wants to perform what they know, and the emotional connection to a particular song is what gets people to sing along. But if the crowd of people listening to you is involved in your performance, it is group experience better.

Karaoke also represents escapism.
Karaoke also represents escapism.

They also present karaoke escapism, he says longtime karaoke host Sara Sherr. It does not matter whether an individual eats independently or helps others, have a karaoke effect an escape from everyday obligations. Yours will also relax endorphins.

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