
8 things women are convincingly better at than men

Photo: Mellamed/Pexels

When men first think of this title, shopping and chatting, but according to many studies, women outperform their men in many things. In the article, read eight proofs in which women convincingly win.

1. Multitasking

The most famous female talent is combining several jobs at the same time. You've probably found yourself in a situation where you're writing homework, cooking lunch, ironing and watching your favorite series out of the corner of your eye.

Research has shown that every second woman has the ability multitasking, while it is much less common in men. Only two men out of ten can boast of such abilities. Women, on the other hand, find it much better in the modern work environment, as they are faced with many tasks at the same time.


2. Driving

Although it is a common misconception that men are better drivers, research conducted in Great Britain says that this is not the case. Women are 12 times better drivers than men, especially when it comes to safety. The only merit we can attribute to them is the better ability to park, which is related to their better orientation in space and the very feeling of the space in which they are located.

3. Communication

The art of good communication can be learned, but women already have it a natural talent behind it. The theory says that understanding and empathy are the keys to successful communication, and that's exactly why men sometimes get lost in it.


4. Learning foreign languages

As mentioned earlier, women have innate communication skills. That means they are better listeners, speakers. To learn a language, we need to listen, read, speak and write. In addition to a better ability to learn languages, the analytical structure of the brain also helps with this. Men learn visually, so they have a greater problem with mastering a foreign language.

5. Stress

Although coping with stress is a very individual issue, it can still be generalized. Men's brains work on the principle of fight or flight, while women's more inclined to analyze and making compromises. Thus, women will more often take a deep breath, recognize the problem and work on it, while men will sweep negative emotions under the carpet. Likewise, women will show emotions more often, i.e. cry, while men are taught from an early age that they must bravely and manfully face the problems that plague them.

6. Pain tolerance

We know women have higher pain threshold like a man. A woman's body is designed to release hormones that block pain, so a woman's perception of pain is actually different from theirs.


7. Color discrimination

Women generally see several color shades like a man. This especially applies to the red color, which is made possible by the X-chromosome. Given that women have two X chromosomes and men only one, they are better able to distinguish between different shades of red.

8. Better memory

A survey conducted in Amsterdam says that you are a lot of women they remember better and faster dates, numbers, names, details and gossip. We know that cognitive functions are lost with age, but research has confirmed that women remember this information much better in old age than younger men.

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