
9 rules for happy relationships: Each of you has to make an effort

Photo: Envato

Take a step forward or wait and walk away? Let's imagine that a man and a woman are separated by twenty steps. Each of them must take ten steps and stop.

If the person was not waiting for you at that place, do not take the eleventh step, because then you will have to take the twelfth, thirteenth - and so on for the rest of your life.

Everyone should do their nine steps!

1. In life, you attract the kind of person you are

If you are not satisfied, look into your soul. If you think you're lucky, it's because you are. If you want to attract a quality person into your life, become such a person yourself.

2. What you give is what you get

Treat your partner as you would like to be treated.

3. We all need love

Love means acceptance, sincerity, tenderness and care, it is the willingness to provide and bear responsibility, to be trustworthy, selfless and generous.

The more you display these qualities, the more you will get back. Traits like fear, jealousy, addiction, manipulation, control, expectations and blame destroy relationships and have nothing to do with love.

4. Every word has power

Words can heal or wound. Watch what you say. Labels, insults create wounds in the soul that are difficult to heal. Words have an irreversible effect, because in the soul of every person lives a child who is afraid of being rejected.

If you give love, you receive love. Photo: Sharon McCutcheon/Unsplash

Be careful not to underestimate the ability to inflict pain on this child. Use the power of words only to send nice messages like praise, encouragement, and support.

5. Trust is an essential element

Without which one partner becomes anxious and full of fear, or falls into the emotional trap of jealousy.

Jealousy is a confirmation of fear of loneliness, low self-esteem and lack of self-love. Trust is a necessary element of true love.

6. Be honest

Love is not static, but is like a plant that will grow and bloom or wither. It all depends on how you handle it.

Sincere communication is like water, without which a plant cannot survive. Share your wishes, views and feelings with others. Let your partner know you love and appreciate them.

Never be afraid to say I love you. Sincere praise is like the sun for a plant, it brings new life to your relationships.

7. To love means to give a part of yourself without expectations

If you want to be loved, you just have to give love. And the more you give, the more you get.

Love is like a boomerang, it always comes back to you. Maybe not from the person you gave it to, but it will still come back to you. And it came back to you. It is important to remember that the supply of love is unlimited.

When you give love, you don't lose. And the only way to lose love in your heart is to not love others. One of the reasons people rarely experience love is because they are waiting for someone to love them.

True love is unconditional and asks for nothing in return. The secret formula to happy relationships that last a lifetime is to focus not on what you can take, but on what you can give.

8. Touch is one of the strongest forms of expressing love

To touch someone is to touch their soul. You should hug your loved one as often as possible for no reason, without a sexual motive, and hold hands.

Sometimes a hug says more than a thousand words. Photo: Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash

When you touch someone, both your and their physiology changes, the level of stress hormones decreases, the nervous system relaxes, the immune system improves and also the emotional state.

9. When we love someone, we must give them freedom

The freedom to make your own decisions, the freedom to live the way you want, not the way you want. Everyone needs personal space. In mutual relations, people must be free, otherwise they feel trapped.

If you truly love someone, you must respect their wants and needs.

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