
9 signs that show a woman's true age - it can't be operated on or covered up with makeup!

"Age is like a worn-out garment. But if it is clean, patched, ironed and worn by a man who loves life, he can proudly show it off." - John O'Donohue

Real age is not only revealed by wrinkles, gray hair, arms or neck. There are many other signs of aging that are not noticeable at first glance. Those physical attributes that change with age give a woman a special charm and attractiveness. They in no way indicate a decline in female beauty, but a transformation into its many forms. Let's look at the list of subtle signs that testify to the passage of time.

1. The forehead becomes flat

Age-related atrophy of the subcutaneous fat layer is the reason for volume loss in the forehead area. Botox injections only accentuate this change. Also, if the forehead remains smooth, it will lose volume and thus reveal the true age of a woman.

2. Lips lose volume and moisture

The shape of the lips changes over time. Lips lose volume and moisture with age, and are often "framed" by small wrinkles. Lips that were once full and voluptuous eventually become smaller and thinner.

3. The shape and size of the navel changes

This part of the body can change its appearance with age due to weight fluctuations, certain diseases, pregnancy.

The navel also changes shape.

4. Dark circles appear

The subcutaneous fat layer becomes thinner after the age of 30 due to poorer collagen production. The skin around the eyes loses its density, becomes more transparent, which makes the dark circles more prominent.

5. The ears become bigger

Ears are also an indicator of age, just like hands and neck. This part of the body, which women usually pay a little less attention to, also loses a thin layer of fat and elasticity. As a result, the ears relax and stretch, and wearing earrings actually encourages this change.

6. The eyebrows are lowered and block the view

As long as we are young, the tension of the skin of the eyebrows keeps them in place, but with age they "slide" down. Due to reduced collagen production, the skin becomes less firm and elastic, and the facial muscles weaken and relax due to the action of gravity. As a result, the eyebrows move downwards, which can make the face look a little darker.

The face becomes a little darker.

7. The "youth triangle" turns

When we are young, the shape of the face resembles a triangle with the top pointing downwards and the base extending the length of the forehead. But the situation changes with age. The base moves to the lower part of the face and the top to the upper part. With age, subcutaneous fat "slides" across the face, the cheeks lose elasticity and wrinkles appear.

8. The complexion fades and the skin loses its glow

The healthy and radiant appearance of a woman's skin slowly fades with age, the main reason for this being the reduced synthesis of collagen and elastin. Inadequate skin care, lack of sleep, fatigue, unhealthy diet and generally bad habits such as smoking also contribute to this process.

9. The corners of the eyes and lips go down

The drooping corners of the eyes and lips can give the face a somewhat tired look. This information is especially important for those who do not smile often - the facial muscles that support the corners weaken much faster. Even the skin around the eyes loses elasticity and tone with age, and weakened tendons and muscles in this area can no longer "hold" the corners of the eyes as they are.

Laugh to make your mouth muscles a little stronger!

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