In a world where murder stories are rare, the new miniseries "A Murder at the End of the World" proves to be a real refresher. This psychological drama skillfully weaves together the story of amateur detective Darby Hart, who sets out to solve a murder at a secret retreat for the rich.
“A Murder at the End of the World” is a miniseries that quickly became the talk of the town, taking a place on the lists within the first two episodes. the best series of the year. The main character of the series, Darby Hart, portrayed by Emma Corrin, is an amateur detective who finds herself at the center of a mysterious murder in a remote location. In addition to her, the series also stars Brit Marling, Clive Owen and Harris Dickinson.
The series, produced by FX for the Hulu platform, is designed as a psychological thriller and drama that takes the viewer on a journey through complicated relationships and dark secrets. Darby and eight other guests are invited to a retreat hosted by a mysterious billionaire, where one of the guests is found dead. Darby must use all her detective skills to prove it was murder, in a sea of conflicting interests and before the killer strikes again.
Critics point out that the series A Murder at the End of the World promising at the beginning, but becomes less tense as time goes on, despite the masterful direction and beautiful cinematography that captures the stark Icelandic landscapes. The main fault of the series, according to some, is that they presented us with a more interesting story from Darby and Bill's past, which leaves the present story somewhat pale in comparison.
Despite this, the series achieved significant success, becoming the eighth most-watched content for the week of November 15, according to ReelGood, and the second most-watched TV series in the US for the week of November 19, according to JustWatch. The grand finale of the series is announced for December 19, so it promises quite a few tense moments and developments.
You can watch the series "A Murder at the End of the World" on the streaming platform Hulu, as it was originally created for this platform. In addition, it is also available on the Disney+ platform for domestic audiences. These two platforms are currently the main distributors of this miniseries, meaning you can watch it on either of these two services depending on your location and subscription options.
It certainly is “A Murder at the End of the World” a series worth watching, although it may not live up to all expectations in terms of tension and plot development. Interesting characters, excellent gameplay and dark atmosphere ensure that the series will remain in the memory.