Photo: Envato

A room where you shouldn't put a mirror if you want to have good energy in the home

Feng Shui means wind and water. The Chinese have always associated it with health and abundance. It is an ancient skill that is more than 5,000 years old. For many, feng shui is extremely important in decorating the home.

Feng Shui means arrangement of external and internal space, with the aim of increasing compliance and flow energy chi. Chi energy is divided into five elements, which are found in every object. A case of fire, water, earth, metal and tree. Fire is the most yang, while water is the most yin. Each element is associated with color, shape, season, sky direction and sense. This is precisely why the goal when arranging a home according to the principles of feng shui is to create an environment where none of the elements dominates, while at the same time taking into account the principle of yin and yang.

For many, feng shui is extraordinary important in home decoration. In addition to orderliness, organization, and cleanliness, which is recommended by this kind of skill, there is an object that needs to be placed in a place where the flow of energy in the home is correct. It's a mirror, which needs a very special place if we want to attract different positive vibrations into the home. Mirrors have the energy of water, which is the fifth element of positive vibrations and represents potential.

Entrance door

The door is the entry point of our home, and if you place a mirror opposite it all energy redirects. Mirrors have the property of reflecting energy and returning the reflection. Therefore, everything that comes through the door goes back to the exit. If you want to have a mirror in the hallway, it is better to place it on a wall that is perpendicular to the door, as it does not reflect energy.

Photo: Douglas Sheppard/Unsplash

Dining room

The dining room is a place where the whole family gathers, it is also intended for socializing with friends. Therefore, it is important that it is pleasant, warm, airy and spacious. Because of the good energies, the mirror is recommended to be placed in the dining room, as it reflects positive vibes, which take place in such a space.

The kitchen

As for the kitchen, feng shui experts avoid placing mirrors. It is especially not recommended to place the mirror opposite the kitchen oven and cooker, as this position brings bad energy. All the metal in the appliances is cold and thus the power of fire, an element according to feng shui that carries warmth and sociability, is lost.

Living room

The living room is otherwise suitable for placing a mirror. However, it is necessary to be careful, because this is where the energy creates too quickly. Nowadays, trendy furniture has many shiny and reflective elements, so if you place a mirror in the room, such energy will created too quickly. The living room is intended for relaxation. If you want a more relaxing space, then these reflective surfaces should be fewer.

Photo: Max Vakhtbovych/ Pexels

A couch

Experts warn that the mirror not suitable above the sofa. Namely, all the pieces that stand above the heads carry heavy energy. Feng Shui is connected with feelings safety, therefore, it is really not appropriate to subconsciously think that it will all fall on your head.


Because mirrors accelerate energy, they are certainly not recommended for a room intended for rest. If you have a mirror in your bedroom, make sure that it is not the only one facing you bed or even on the ceiling. This way, it reflects our image, which leads to bad sleep, sleepless nights, or even nightmares.

Photo: Adam Winger/Unsplash


The bathroom is associated with the water element and so is the mirror element of water, so this space is the most suitable for placing mirrors. Also, the bathroom is always a closed space where energy does not drain away. However, be careful not to position the mirror so that it looks into your toilet bowl, as it is not energetically appropriate to look into the mirror while cleaning.

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