
Adidas x Nike - legendary trainers, for those who love both brands

Can't decide between the famous Adidas Originals Adilette and Nike Benassi flip flops? Now you don't have to either. Shirt NYC has found a Salomon solution - a set that is a combination of both. On one foot, you wear flip flops with the famous hook, and on the other with the equally famous three stripes. "Impossible is Nothing, Just Do It!"

You are a follower of such a brand Adidas like Nike? Can't decide on a side? You vacillate between the classics flip flops both? Thanks to a New York company Shirt NYC you won't have to make that difficult decision as they have added to the range a pair of flip-flops consisting of both brands. The right sneaker is from Adidas, and the left is from Nike.

READ MORE: Raised by Wolves: Flip flops with no morals

When you buy flip-flops, you also get an Adidas x Nike T-shirt.
When you buy flip-flops, you also get an Adidas x Nike T-shirt.

It is not an official collaboration between the great rivals Nike and Adidas, which has the equivalent in football of the rivalry between Barcelona and Real and in technology between Samsung and Apple, so they both slippers are original, which means you get American and German brand quality. You also get it for free with your purchase short shirt with a signature or logos of both brands, which the authors claim to be 100% real fake (100% fake real). The author of the "Crusaders" compared his work to the work of a French artist Marcel Duchamp, Fountain (Urinal), as he says he took something that already exists and recontextualized it. You can order them here.

Gallery - Adidas x Nike sneakers:

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