
Nubrella - a no-hold umbrella perfect for photographers


Taking photos in the rain is not the easiest thing in the world. If you want to protect your photography equipment, you usually have to use an umbrella, which comes with a lot of limitations. You can solve this problem with Nubrella's innovative no-hold umbrella. It covers the upper part of the body, is light and is carried on the shoulder, which means that we have both hands free.

An umbrella that doesn't need to be held, Nubrella it may not be for the street, as you will attract a lot of attention with it, but the designer Alan Kaufman was right when he said that "sooner or later people will realize that the umbrella is very useful and practical". They can especially nod to this photographers, who work outdoors and like or have to take pictures too in the rain.

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Nubrella makes their job much easier as they don't have to hold it while keeping both themselves and more importantly, the camera, dry. In contrast to the classic umbrella, this one does not even come alive wind speed 65 km/h, because we carry an umbrella like a backpack, so you can use it as well while cycling. Weights 1.36 kilograms, and the diameter of the umbrella is 66 centimeters. You can think of it with or without a backpack. When you no longer need it, simply fold it up and hide behind your back. Without a backpack, you have to pay for it 56 euros, otherwise 75.

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