
Advice for Women in 1985: 129 Ways to Find a Husband!

If you had to describe the 1950s, would you probably mention the Cold War between the United States of America and the Soviet Union? Elvis Presley became a world star. They also sent the first satellites into orbit. But you probably didn't know that magazines gave women advice on how to seduce men. Maybe some advice will help you too.

In lifestyle magazines, you can find many tips on how to seduce a man. But if we go back to the 50s of the last century, we find that women were looking for a way to a man's heart in a completely different way. Facebook user Kim Marx-Kuczynski we are on it reminded, as he bought a 1958 McCall's magazine that advises on 129 ways to find a husband.

The author of the article prefaces by informing us that there are sixteen million women in the United States of seventeen years of age who are not married. That's why the publisher asked 16 people to come up with strategies that single women could use to attract men's attention. They are initially taught, where to find a man and how to signal him to notice them. When they are noticed, they have to learn what to do, yes they will look good. And, of course, how, after all, he too conquer.

While reading advice, which we collected in gallery, it will be clear to you that times have changed incredibly. But what golden rules are kept even today and many women probably follow them strictly.

Gallery: 129 ways to find a husband

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