
After the cult movie Apocalypse, the computer game Apocalypse Now - The Game is being created today

Apocalypse today

Usually movies are made after computer games (Assassin's Eye, Mortal Kombat, Tomb Rider, Warcraft, Hitman, Need For Speed, Invisible Evil, etc.), but in the case of the movie Apocalypse Now (Apocalypse Now), the direction is exactly the opposite, because they will be based on the movie created a computer game. Apocalypse Now is Francis Ford Coppola's cult war film from 1979, which is now getting its first outlines also in the digital version. The game Apocalypse Now - The Game, which collects start-up capital on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter, was also "launched" by Coppola himself.

Many years had to pass before the first outlines of a computer game finally began to emerge Apocalypse Now, based on the director's cult film of the same name Francis Ford Coppola, which is considered one of the best full-length productions in all of film history.

The movie Apocalypse Today cemented our idea of the Vietnam War.
The movie Apocalypse Today cemented our idea of the Vietnam War.

It's a movie about the Vietnam War, which became the truth about this war. People used this term to imagine what they saw in the movie Apocalypse today.

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In Game Apocalypse Now - The Game (on Kickstarter collects 900 thousand US dollars of start-up capital) we will follow the captain of Benjamin L. Willard (he plays him in the movie Martin Sheen), who gets a special assignment in the middle of the Vietnam frenzy. He must eliminate the renegade Colonel Walter E. Kurtz (Marlon Brando), who resisted 'total war' and leads a half-savage tribe deep in the jungle.

A computer game it is created from under the fingers of the team Erebus LLC, which consisted of creators who have behind them many fantastic games such as Fallout: New Vegas, Wasteland 2 and Far Cry.

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