
Age does not reduce lust: the secret of couples who maintain intimacy even in old age

Let love not die even in old age

intimnost v starosti
Photo: envato

Oh, this love. Every year, we admire couples who manage to maintain intimacy even in old age.

Or is it intimacy in old age possible? Love is something we stereotypically associate with youth. At least that aspect in love, which we later find out has nothing much in common with true love. This is based mainly on mutual respect, friendship and mutual affection. This is precisely why the flame of love does not necessarily die out with age.

Photo: envato

Aging is all too often associated with a loss of vitality, and consequently also with a lower interest in sexuality. But recent research has shown that as many as 65 percent of adults between the ages of 65 and 80 are still interested in sex. In many relationships, intimacy can be complicated by certain diseases, but as stated in the article for Psychology Today explained clinical psychologist Regina Koepp, this is not necessarily an obstacle.

And how to ensure that intimacy does not die in old age?

Optimizing health

Ask your doctor about your and your partner's medical conditions and medications that could affect your intimate life needs. You can consult the doctor of your choice without hesitation.

Photo: envato

Planned intimacy

It may sound counterintuitive, but planning can be sexy. It can help people living with significant health conditions recognize when you're at your peak – both emotionally and physically – and plan intimate moments accordingly.

The right mood

A candlelit dinner or soft music in the background can awaken the romantic in anyone. By focusing on ambiance, seniors can also create a sensory environment that encourages intimacy.

Photo: envato

Communication is key

Keeping communication channels open ensures that both partners are on the same page. Talking about past intimate moments, setting expectations and expressing wishes can only strengthen the relationship.

Developing relationships

It is necessary to realize that relationships and the goals associated with them are constantly changing. For many older adults, intimacy does not necessarily mean physical activity. Emotional closeness, understanding, shared experiences and mutual respect thus become incomparably more important in relationships.

Photo: envato

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