
AILO – when a smartphone turns into an airport guide, which also has Slovenian roots

If you travel a lot, you've probably gotten lost at the airport. Except for lost luggage, there is probably nothing worse than when it turns into a maze, and you already hear the last boarding call over the loudspeaker. The solution? AILO, also the product of Slovenian know-how, is an "internal" GPS that uses wi-fi, bluetooth, gyroscope and other sources to provide you with the exact location, direction, estimated time to arrival at the boarding point and points of interest via iOS or Google Maps ( kiosk, toilet, etc.).

AILO (Airport Indoor Location), the fruit of a Slovenian-Portuguese non-profit AILO foundation (Marjan Lopuh, Ana Afonso, Nuno Pereira) is airport guide, which directs you to boarding areas and provides other useful information. He only requires one thing from you to give him through the application issue the gate number ("gate") on your smartphone. From here on, just let yourself be guided.

Admittedly, due to the lengthy protocol, we often arrive at airports early enough (especially when we have a reservation through an agency), but especially those who fly a lot business, too many times they fight against time when they cross over and so on they chase flights by the tail. Then every minute counts (and we know that in the business world time is money) and AILO makes sure that none is wasted. Life is enough already stressful, why should bulky, "unreadable" airports, where obstacles are not only too bad marks but also a crowd of people. Of course, everything is written nicely on the map and on the boards at the passenger terminals, but it is of this kind airport flight attendant not enough.

READ MORE: List of airlines that offer the most bang for your buck

Do these labels ever confuse you more than they teach you?
Do these labels ever confuse you more than they teach you?

AILO is based on GPS positioning, but we know that GPS, like vampires, cannot cross the threshold of a house unless invited and can therefore only give approximate estimate location. Which is not enough in our case. A few meters up or down can be crucial. The AILO system, in order to come to life, therefore needs exact data about the structure of the airports (which will receive a certificate in case of cooperation), so that he can "equip" you as best as possible. AILO Foundation for the project from November 13 is raising funds on the platform Indiegogo.

AILO would do well to arrive at the airport in Dubai.
AILO would do well to arrive at the airport in Dubai.

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