
Is it necessary to keep chocolate in the fridge or drawer?

Photo: envato

Where should chocolate rest to maintain its perfect shape, taste and texture? Should it be stored in the cold embrace of the refrigerator or should it rather stay warm in the silence of a drawer?

In the world of chocolate, where every piece of it it hides the story of a thousand flavors, we are often faced with a dilemma that could easily become the subject of a detective novel. Where should it be stored? this precious delicacy - in the cool shelter of the refrigerator or in a secret corner of the drawer?

The art of chocolate

It is made from cocoa beans that are fermented, roasted and ground into cocoa mass, to which sugar, milk and other additives are added to produce the final product we know. Quality and taste chocolates depend on the type and processing of cocoa beans, the recipe and the method of production.

Effect of temperature

One of the most important factors when storing chocolate is temperature. The ideal temperature for storing chocolate is honey 15 °C and 18 °C. At this temperature, the texture, taste and shine of the chocolate are preserved.

Where to store it? Photo: Towfiqu Barbhuiya / Pexels

High temperatures they can cause the fats in the chocolate to rise to the surface, a process known as "fat bloom", which gives the chocolate a whitish appearance and can affect its texture. On the other hand too low temperatures they can cause the chocolate to become too hard and lose some of its rich flavor.

Influence of moisture and odors

In addition to temperature, humidity is another key factor in chocolate storage. The ideal relative humidity for chocolate storage is between 55% and 65%.. Too much humidity can cause the chocolate to develop a "sugar bloom", where the sugar crystallizes on the surface, giving the chocolate a rough texture. Chocolate is also very sensitive to smells, so it is important that it is stored separately from foods with strong smells.

Storing chocolate in the refrigerator

Storing chocolate in the refrigerator is easy problematic due to low temperatures and high humidity. If you choose to store chocolate in the refrigerator, it is crucial to first wrap the chocolate tightly in aluminum foil or plastic wrap to prevent contact with moisture and odors.

After taking the chocolate out of the refrigerator, allow it to gradually warm to room temperature before opening to prevent condensation on the chocolate.

Photo: envato

Storing chocolate in a drawer

Storing chocolate in a drawer at room temperature is often the best option if the conditions are right. It's important that it's chocolate stored away from direct sunlight, sources of heat and strong smells. If these conditions are met, the chocolate retains its optimal texture and taste.

The choice between storing chocolate in the fridge or in a drawer is depends on many factors, including ambient temperature, relative humidity and how quickly you plan to use the chocolate.

Under ideal conditions, where temperature, humidity and exposure to odors are controlled, storing chocolate in a drawer at room temperature is best for maintaining its properties.

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