
All I wanted was for him to fight for me

Photo: Envato

She believed that love would overcome all obstacles in their path.

She wanted him to tell her that he didn't want her to go. That he will try harder. That he would find a solution and tell her that she was worth the risk, that she was worth the change. She wanted him to tell her that he saw her in his life.

She wanted him to be there to tell her to stay. But he wasn't. He didn't even try to stop her as she was leaving. He didn't say goodbye, he didn't even ask her if she really wanted to leave or if she was just acting out of anger.

She doesn't know what hurts her more: that he didn't fight for her, or that he didn't know her well enough to know that sometimes she does stupid things to get just a little more love from him.

She doesn't know what hurts her more...
She doesn't know what hurts her more...

She left. He didn't follow her, he didn't ask her for another chance. He withdrew into himself and ignored her.

In that moment, she realized that he had never fought for her. Everything was his way, as it suited him, when he had time. None of this required any effort from him and she let him have it all.

She taught him that it was normal not to ask for anything in return…and she never asked for more than he could handle. He didn't have to try. She remained silent, though she always wanted more. Now she knows it was a mistake, she should trust him that she wants something more.

He told her that we shouldn't fight for people who choose to leave. But sometimes we have to fight to keep people in our lives. We have to give them a reason to stay.

And she wanted him to give her a reason, a small sign, a message, maybe a hand to pull her back into his embrace.

She was going to fight for him until she realized he never wanted to be in her life. That there is no point in trying to find a solution in a fight where the battle is already lost.

She believed that if he still loved her, that he would fight for her and that he would break down all her walls, fears. She believed in him. In them. Into love.

All she wanted was for him to fight for her and show her he loved her.

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