
Although it hurts, sometimes it is better to end a friendship and these are the signs that it is truly over

Although it hurts, sometimes it's better to end a friendship and that's a sign that it's really over.

Friendship is supposed to contribute to the lives of all of us. The moment we realize that it is draining our energy, it is time to stop it, even if it hurts. How do you know it's really over?

Science he says that only 50 % the people we hang out with believes that we are also their friends. Other people associate with us because they have some benefit or because they think they will be popular in society, if they have many "friends".

Adolescence is synonymous with friendships we think will last a lifetime. And it is experience that teaches us in later years that friendship has a slightly different meaning and we often do let the wrong people into your life.

Although it hurts, sometimes it's better to end a friendship.
Although it hurts, sometimes it's better to end a friendship.

Life experiences influence our decisions. Many people in later years limit their circle of friends, meet new people and gradually break away from old friends. And this is a completely normal process, because we humans change our opinions, attitudes, values, views... which may not match the personality and outlook of our friends. In this case, we are not talking about quarrels, which are an integral part of various relationships, but about a comforting feeling, which appears when we are in the company of a specific person.

All this is a process that helped us in building our personality and getting to know, what is true friendship, so you shouldn't be sad if you feel that right now of your friendship done with a certain person. Although it hurts, it is sometimes much better to interrupt


1. A friend forces you to compete with other friends.
An adult and reasonable person will not be jealous of his friend because he also has other people in his life. This is completely normal, as you probably have other friends too. The problem arises when your friend keeps saying how other friends are more interesting and better company. This can make you feel miserable and jealous.

A friend constantly criticizes you, but does not accept criticism.
A friend constantly criticizes you, but does not accept criticism.

2. Most of the time you deal with your friend's problems, but he is not interested in your problems.
Friends are in your life mainly because they understand you and you can turn to them in good and bad. Friendship is not real if the person is not ready to listen to your problems, but constantly talks only about his own. It is clear that people have different levels of empathy, but true friends are not arrogant and emotionally exploitative.

3. A friend constantly criticizes you, but does not take criticism personally.
Friendship is based on honesty, and it's good to tell your loved ones what you really think about them, because constructive criticism can be very helpful. "Toxic" friends don't hold back when it comes to criticism, while they have a hard time accepting criticism at their expense and think you're attacking them. Such an attitude is very problematic, because your friend is constantly trying to humiliate you, and you cannot talk constructively with him, but you have to watch every word you say.

4. You always invite for a drink, but your friends never do.
Everyday obligations do not allow many people to socialize as they would really like. And this is completely understandable, but if you always invite for a drink and your friend never remembers you, this is a clear sign that the friendship has not been real for a while.

A friend thinks you need to change.
A friend thinks you need to change.

5. A friend thinks you need to change.
Friendship is based on acceptance, which means that people associate with you because of you, your personality. If your friend is asking you to change because you're supposedly doing things wrong, there's no point in staying in that relationship. It's one thing if a friend advises you to change because it might benefit you, but it's another if he rejects your personality as such.


  • They don't care what to talk about, because you are only united by the past.
  • Never unavailable, when you need it most.
  • After meeting him you feel bad.
  • He's pretending pretending to be someone he's not.
  • You have lost confidence and you often feel as if he is manipulating you.

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