
Amazing and at the same time crazy facts about using smartphones that will blow your mind (2019)

Smart phones and applications on smartphones have become the center of the world. We spend so much time on them that for the consumption of others media ways there is practically no time left. The world changed almost overnight. In the eyes of young people under the age of 30, television no longer represents their way of life.

Phones we use it at work, at home, on the street, when we eat, in bed and even in cars. You may be reading this very entry on your smartphone right now.


Various studies show that the average American checks their phone every 12 minutes. Even more shocking is the fact that 10 percent of people check their phones every 4 minutes.
As the patterns of media consumption are moving extremely quickly also to "Europe", we believe that we will be able to detect the same trends and extremely similar figures in the coming years also in Slovenia. This is also why we are incredibly surprised by what awaits us in the near future.

Key Crazy Facts About Smartphone Usage:

  • Apple App Store has available 2.2 million apps for download.
  • In store Google Play is available 2.8 million apps for download.
  • Mobile apps are expected by year 2020 generated 189 billion dollars in revenue.
  • 21 % Millennials opens the application at least 50 times per day.
  • 49 % users open the app every day at least 11 times.
  • 5 7% all uses of digital media it comes from mobile apps.
  • The average smartphone owner uses 30 apps every month.

Years In 2017, there were over 205 billion downloads applications. That is 15 percent more than the year before. For 2019, it is predicted that app downloads will already be for 270 billion and that this trend will continue exponentially in the future.

Apps users couldn't live without

Basic Apps by Users 18-34 - ComScore
Core Apps 18-34 - ComScore

The data on application popularity – or a list of applications that Americans place among those without whom we could no longer live.

The fact that as many as 35 % Americans put Amazon in first place among all applications is extremely surprising – the largest online retailer. They rank it ahead of just about all applications. Followed by Gmail with 30 %, Facebook with 29 %, FB Messenger with 18 %, YouTube with 16 %, Google Maps with 14 %, Google Search with 11 %, Instagram with 11 % … and the rest.

How much time do we spend on smartphones on a daily basis?

Average adult (18 and over) in the US will spend 2 hours and 55 minutes on a smartphone in 2019, which is a 9-minute increase compared to 2018. Among all smartphone users, the time is 3 hours and 10 minutes per day. In other words, on all mobile devices - 3 hours and 43 minutes. But important is a trend among younger users, which smart devices use up to 6 hours a day. They no longer know television as a medium. In other words, they no longer devote time to it.

Americans already spend more time on mobile devices than watching TV

Key Stats: in 2019, for the first time, the average US adult will spend more time on their mobile devices than they spend watching TV.

Internet use vs. television use - USA 2019
Internet use vs. television use - United States, 2019

Americans, who always predict global media trends, will spend more time on their smartphones than television this year. According to the projection, the research should be on it emarketer.com on average, they survived just 3 hours and 43 minutes. The data somehow applies to demographic of 18 years and older, which is a great benefit to television. If we consider the entire population, the data should be even more in favor of mobile phones, since young people no longer watch TV.

Television is only for the elderly - also in Slovenia

Even senior citizens use TV on demand!
Even senior citizens use TV on demand!

American research shows, that the consumption of television as a medium has become an older population thing and those less educated and from rural areas. He sees television as a medium with which we no longer reach those who are real and active. This is also why investments in digital advertising have already exceeded investments in television. In part, this thesis is also proved by the Slovenian TV media, which in recent years, as it seems, have thrown the gun into the corn - in the fight for the younger population, because with a program that is saturated every night with Turkish series and reality shows, rapidly changing the habits of the active population. So those who buy and create. The program seems to be made for the below-average viewer who only wants "bread and games" and does not want to be educated in any way. But young people want it, according to research. Thus, it in no way targets the younger, active or urban population. In this case, the abandonment is already strongly evident "following" television and running on Netflix, HBO and other providers upon request. Watching TV has also completely changed, as even the elderly watch TV with a delay. This behavior is understandable, since younger people perceive the "component" of time and information completely differently than the 40+ population, or that which still perceived television as a primary medium. It is also interesting to note that that Slovenian advertisers still allocate the most resources to television. This share has even been increasing in recent years and is among the largest in the world: 82 percent (data from MM magazine). This share, or pie, shows that the Slovenian media market is extremely different from the global one, where television in certain markets is already lagging behind investments in digital advertising.

Slovenia is, as always, an extremely special country when it comes to media consumption.

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