
An amazing pool made from a shipping container that can be used all year round

The Canadian company caused quite a stir among the professional public when it presented a pool based on a shipping container. But they don't stop there with innovations. The pool can be supplied with a heater that manages to heat the water up to an incredible 30 degrees Celsius even at outside temperatures of -10 degrees Celsius. This feature makes this pool usable all year round.

The company is behind the project Modpools, which also planned the pools in terms of mobility, which means that the pool can also be moved.

Among other innovative solutions is partition wall, which allows you to reduce the volume of the pool and create, for example, in the winter months heated jacuzzi.

The pool can be turned into a jacuzzi with a partition wall.
The pool can be turned into a jacuzzi with a partition wall.

With a smart app you can control the temperature of the pool, lights and massage nozzles. Of course, simply with your phone.

The heater manages to heat the water up to an incredible 30 degrees Celsius, making the pool usable all year round.
The heater heats the water up to an incredible 30 degrees Celsius, making the pool usable all year round.

The price of the pool is starts at 24,715 euros. For more technical and other information visit the link below.

Image gallery: Amazing swimming pool from a shipping container

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