
Amazing trick! How to get rid of mosquitoes in your home?

What repels mosquitoes?!

Photo: envato

Summer mosquitoes sometimes disturb our peace, disturb sleep and good mood. At the same time, mosquito bites are not innocent. Focus on natural products to get rid of those pesky insects! Do you know natural things that repel mosquitoes?

How get rid of mosquitoes in the interior of your residence, apartment or house? These are simple and very, very simple tips.

  • How to get rid of mosquitoes?
  • What repels mosquitoes?

Lemongrass essential oil

Organic essential oils are among the best natural solutions to repel mosquitoes from your home. Scattered in the bedroom or living room, they allow you to spend pleasant summer evenings without itching. It is a natural repellent, as the molecules it contains interfere with insects, which naturally try to escape from them.

For a restful night, pour a few drops into a diffuser an hour or two before bed. Leave it on and turn it off when you sleep. If you do not have this type of apparatus, you can add a few drops to a burning candle. With the heat, the scent of the essential oil will spread throughout the room! If you do get bitten by a mosquito despite these precautions, know that lemongrass essential oil is also effective in relieving bites. The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action helps to soothe the itching and tingling that often accompany a sting.

Photo: envato

An ancient mosquito repellent

Here is grandma's recipe that can help keep mosquitoes away from your home. To prepare, you need 20 cl of water, 1 gram of baker's yeast, 50 grams of brown sugar and a bottle cut in half. Heat water and sugar in a saucepan to make a liquid mixture. When it has cooled, pour the mixture into the lower part of the bottle, which you have cut in half.

Add the baker's yeast to the mixture without stirring, then push the bottle head (the top part) into the bottom. Wrap the resulting object in dark paper (you can use a garbage bag) before placing it in a strategic place, that is, a place where you like to spend time and where mosquitoes live. These insects will be attracted to the smell produced by the fermentation of sugar. And once they get into the bottle, they won't be able to get out.

Other effective solutions

There are other solutions to repel mosquitoes from your living space without the use of chemicals. Mosquitoes do not tolerate the smell of certain plants, especially: geranium, lemon balm, thyme and small leaves of basil. To avoid mosquitoes in the summer, it may be interesting to place pots with these plants on the windows. This will naturally limit insect invasions.

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