
Amazing walking on air

The dream of floating effortlessly high in the sky has finally become a sweet reality. Namely, the artist Tomás Saraceno created the installation "In Orbit", which makes it possible to walk in the air as high as 25 meters.

In the urban environment of German Düsseldorf on 2,500 m2 offers a true playground for all children at heart. What 3,000 kilograms of steel wire consist of a multi-level grid installation in the air, sprinkled with giant 300-kilogram inflatable balls thus bringing an experience out of this world.

A playground for big children as high as 25 meters in the air.
A playground for big children as high as 25 meters in the air.

Inspired by masterpieces of spider webs, creations Tomás Saracen represents only a fraction of his spectacular project Air-Port-City, with which he aims to build a floating futuristic city in the spirit of socialist and utopian dreams as a response to the growing global overpopulation and ecological crisis. The artist already erected a similar extraordinary inflatable structure with the title in Milan last year "On Space Time Foam". Anyone can do stimulating air walking until autumn experience in the Düsseldorf museum K21 Ständehaus.

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