
An elephant

From the hands of the creative confectioners ČiČark, a traditional place where townspeople of all ages can enjoy sweets, has always been an elephant confectionary. Although it was renovated two years ago, it has retained its old-town elegance. cute little tables are a meeting point for conversations between older ladies at ...

Basic information
An elephant
Slovenska cesta 34
every day from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., closed on Mondays.
(01) 470 11 46

FROM THE HANDS OF CREATIVE PASTRY MAKERS Slonova patisserie has always been a traditional place where townspeople of all ages can enjoy a sweet treat. Although it was renovated two years ago, it has retained its old-town elegance. Cute tables are a meeting place for conversations between elderly ladies over morning coffee, and on Saturdays, the pastry shop hosts families who stop by after visiting the market. The bright ambience is occasionally transformed into a gallery of paintings and photographs. The list of desserts, from cakes to ice cream sundaes, is almost endless, and the choice is made even more difficult when they are presented so attractively that we are drooling before we even see them. Among the delicious desserts is the Ljubljana cake, which is made from real marzipan cream with dragons on top, and they also boast a cake of the week, a blueberry cake with almonds, an autumn cake made of pears and apples, an elephant slice, ... All desserts are prepared by Elephants confectioners who let the imagination run wild. The welcome information for the overworked is that they prepare all the cakes for home and deliver them if necessary. But this is not the end of the sweet indulgences, because at the beginning of October, Slon's offer will be enriched by two more delicacies: in the Paviljon and the Atrij restaurant, their guests will be spoiled with pancakes and before a busy working day with rich breakfasts. So it's always worth looking for the door with the elephants.

Maple tree

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